How Much Does a Remicade Infusion Cost?

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Remicade, a part-human, part-mouse antibody, is a monoclonal chimeric antibody used as a treatment against TNF-alpha.

Also known as Infliximab, Remicade is approved for use alone or in combination with methotrexate for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in situations ranging from slight to severe.  It is also approved for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.

How much does a Remicade infusion cost?

The cost of Remicade infusions will greatly depend on the hospital/doctor you choose, where you live and if you have insurance.  For those who don’t have insurance, the costs can often range from $5,000 to $16,000 per infusion without health insurance coverage or any cost assistance.  This is the price for the infusion only and won’t include additional treatments/medication that’s necessary for your treatment.  Those who have health insurance can see costs ranging anywhere from as little as $0 to as much as $1,500.

Per vial, as according to, can range from $1,100 to $1,300 without insurance for one 100mg vial at a local pharmacy.  The average treatment, depending on your condition, may need two to four vials.   This is just the price for the vial, and by the time you add in the doctor/hospital fees, you will get to the estimate mentioned prior.

According to this forum thread on, forum members discussed the price of Remicade, with members claiming they had paid anywhere from as little as $0 after insurance to as much as seeing $16,000 being billed on their statement before insurance kicked in.

On another forum thread at, a forum member who processes medical claims stated she sees prices ranging from $7,000 to $13,000 without insurance.

Forum members on talked about the costs of Remicade with insurance, and according to most of the members on the thread, they had paid anywhere from $750 until they hit the out of pocket maximum to $1,500.

Remicade is covered by most insurance plans as long as deemed medically necessary.  In this instance, you will only be responsible for your co-pay and deductible.  As for Medicare, the official Remicade website notes Medicare will only cover infusions in a doctors’ office or hospital outpatient facility.  Medicare does not cover infusions if provided by a retail pharmacy or home infusion company.  Medicaid also covers infusions for certain treatment settings with precertification.

Remicade infusion overview

Remicade is administered intravenously through an IV rather than injection.

On average, it could take up to three hours to perform the procedure, which is often done in an outpatient setting.

During the procedure, the powdered mixture will be blended with sterile water.  The solution will be injected into a large bag of sterile water.  Applying a tourniquet over the arm, the IV tubing is attached to the catheter inside of the vein.  Once attached, the infusion will drip slowly.  During the infusion, the nurse will monitor your blood pressure and check for any known symptoms.

A few side effects may be experienced during or shortly after administration.  These include but are not limited to chest pain, shortness of breath, rashes, itching, fever, nausea, vomiting, cough, etc.  Remicade should be discontinued if serious reactions occur.

On average, the treatment can last up to 12 weeks.

How can I save money?

Medication cost support is provided by Remicade, even if you have a private health insurance plan.  Refer to their official financial assistance page for more details.

A hospital setting, regardless of the situation, will always be cheaper than a doctors’ office or outpatient center.  If at all possible, try to have these infusions done at a local outpatient center to avoid the costly hospital charges.

An advocate at your local hospital or health department may be able to help point you in the right direction for financial assistance if you were to need it.

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Average Reported Cost: $11200

100 %
0 %
Less Expensive $1 $1.5K $3K $5K $6.5K More Expensive $8k

How much did you spend?

Was it worth it?  

  1. n/a (Mitchell,  South Dakota) paid $19000 and said:

    Drug cost was $19,727.34. Total for 1 infusion is $22,278.02.

    Was it worth it? Yes

  2. Kendra (San Antonio ,  Texas) paid $3400 and said:

    In doctor’s office infusion. This is what was billed to insurance! May 2019 Worth every penny!

    Was it worth it? Yes

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