How Much Does Ingrown Toenail Removal Cost?

Written by: Staff

For those who have toenail pain or even for those who have a type of toenail fungus, some doctors will recommend that get the nail removed 100%.  Most of the time, it will only be recommended when a large portion of the nail is either damaged or diseased.

One of the most common reasons this surgery is performed is because of an ingrown nail.

How much does ingrown toenail removal cost?

The surgery, without insurance, will generally cost anywhere from $125 to $650 per toe.  Multiple toes can lower the price.  Every office will have its own fees, so it’s best to discuss what’s included.  Some will have simple flat rates, while others may have add-on charges you didn’t know about until you received the bill.

For those with an insurance policy, some companies may cover the charges if it’s deemed medically necessary.  Since all insurance companies are different, it’s best to call up your insurance to see how much it will cost you.

Ingrown toenail removal overview

During the procedure, a local anesthesia will be administered to the infected toe.  During the procedure, the skin around the toe will be loosened and the nail will be separated using a special tool.  Depending on the condition, either the whole toenail or part of the nail will be removed.  If you want to prevent the nail from growing back, the doctor can apply a chemical to destroy the nail.

Afterward, a cream will be applied and a gauze will be wrapped around the toenail.  The toenail will have to be soaked for the upcoming weeks to ensure the healing process goes according to plan.

The surgery will be performed either at the hospital or your local doctor’s office.  Either a family doctor or podiatrist can perform the procedure.

This procedure will take less than a few hours, and you can go home that same day.  For the first few weeks, be prepared to clean and dry the wound daily.  You will also have to apply an antibiotic ointment.  In all, it may take up to 18 months to see your toenail grow back.

What are the extra costs?

Consultation fees and/or your typical exam fee may apply before the surgery starts.  The average doctor’s visitation fee will vary anywhere from $50 to $250 per visit without insurance.

Medication will more than likely have to be prescribed after the procedure.  Again, this will vary, depending on your insurance policy and more.   A simple pain killer can cost less than $20, even for those who don’t have insurance.

Local anesthesia will be added as an additional expense on top of the surgery fee as well.  Anesthesia will vary anywhere from $300 to $1,000 per session.

Crutches may be required, depending on how many toes are going to be affected.

Tips to know:

Some common side effects may include redness, pain, an infection, abnormal nail growth and/or inflammation.  If the infection becomes too severe, a yellow puss can be noticed.

The most common toenail that is removed is on the big toe.

While it’s hard to prevent an ingrown toenail due to a heredity or injury problem, be sure to avoid cutting your nails short.  It’s also a good habit to wear comfortable footwear.

How can I save money?

Consult with your doctor to find other alternatives.  For those with a fungus problem, there are lower priced topical creams that can cure most fungus.  Removing a toenail is an extreme measure that very few have to do.   In many cases, you may be able to soak your feet in warm water a few times a day while placing cotton balls between the toes.  There are also ingrown toenail tools on the market that may be able to help.

Most clinics offer cash paying patients discounts.

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