How Much Do Stained Concrete Floors Cost?

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Concrete Flooring - Basement Stain - For by Decorative Concrete Kingdom, on Flickr
Concrete Flooring – Basement Stain – For” (CC BY 2.0) by  Decorative Concrete Kingdom

How much do stained concrete floors cost?

The costs of stained concrete floors can vary greatly, all depending upon the surface preparation, the difficulty of the job, size of the job, the sealer being used and your local market.

On average, a simple stained concrete job can vary anywhere from $2 to $5 per square foot, but if the job requires saw cut patterns and/or different colors, then the costs can be $5 to $11 per square foot.  Sawed patterns and multiple colors can cost upwards of $17 per square foot.

Type of JobAverage Price (per square foot)
- One color
- Minimal preparation time
- Sealer coat
$2 to $5
- One color
- Moderate preparation
- Sealer coat
$4 to $9
- Multiple colors
- Moderate preparation
- Patterns included
- Sealer coat
$9 to $15
- Multiple colors
- Complex preparation
- Patterns included
- Stencils included
- Hand applied stain
$14 to $27+

The Concrete Network states that multiple colors and sawed patterns can bring the price tag to about $8 to $15 per square foot.  For those who want a sandblast stencil work job done, this can cost as much as $25 per square foot.

According to, even a simple job can cost $2 to $4 per square foot.

Stained concrete floors overview

Acid stained concrete is a mixture of water and acid hydrochloric and acid-soluble metallic salts.  The acid will lightly etch the surface creating a design.   Acid stain isn’t like a paint, however.

During the process, the concrete surface will be cleaned to remove any dirt or oil stains.  Once cleaned, the stain will be applied using a low-pressure spraying, and the contractor will spray left to right to create a circular pattern.  While spraying, his or her assistant will scrub the stain into the surface following the same motions.  As the stain dries and reacts with the concrete, a residue will form at the surface and will be removed.  When removed, the contractor will apply coats of an acrylic-based sealer to protect the surface and create the shine.

Every finished product will be one of a kind, essentially leaving you with a unique pattern no one else has.

What are the extra costs?

Most concrete companies may charge a consulting fee.  This may include design work and drawing up what the company will be able to do for you.

Extra designs, colors and stains and more will add more for the price tag.   Generally, adding more than one color, as noted above, will increase the price.

Removing paint from a previous job can increase the costs.  The same can be said for repairing cracks.

While considered optional, borders can be applied for an additional fee.

Over time, the homeowner will have to wax their floors to keep the floor from having a worn out feel.

Tips to know:

Acid staining technically eats away parts of the cement, causing it to crumble easier when you walk on it.  It can also become dull quicker than non-stained concrete.

Homeowners have reported after three years or so, the concrete surface begins to look dull or brown in color.  When it’s exposed to moisture, it will eventually change colors.

How can I save money?

Shop around for contractors in your area., for example, allows you to get quote emails from contractors in your area.

The simpler the job, the less you’re going to spend.  Ask yourself if you really want to add all of those colors to your flooring job for the extra $3 to $5 per square foot.  This can really add up if you’re covering more than 1,000 square feet.

Stick to one color.  The more colors you choose, the more you’re going to pay.

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Average Reported Cost: $0

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Less Expensive $1 $1.5K $3K $5K $6.5K More Expensive $8k

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