How Much Does an Aggie Ring Cost?
An Aggie refers to a graduate or current student at the prestigious and well-known university, Texas A&M.
Each year, thousands of Aggies apply and “contend” to have an Aggie ring on their finger.
This ring unites generations of A&M family by connecting former students with one another and their alma mater. The ring acts as a milestone in each student’s undergraduate career. The Aggie Ring is important and one of the most symbolic elements of Aggies’ traditions as everything seen on this ring represents a value that every Aggie should uphold.
This ring, worn by all of the Aggie graduates is similar, except for the class year. It serves as a common link for the former students.
How much does an Aggie ring cost?
Students have the choice of two rings: either 10k gold or 14k gold. With a few options available, refer to our table below to see what the ring could cost:
Type of Ring | Price |
Men's | - Polara $304 - White gold: $1,072 - 10k gold: $1,072 - 14k gold: $1,455 |
Men's Diamonds (optional) | - 10pt: $242 - 20pt: $519 - 25pt: $776 - 30pt: $989 |
Women's | - Polara $201 - White gold: $531 - 10k gold: $531 - 14k gold: $645 |
Women's Diamonds | - 3pt: $71 - 5pt: $114 - 10pt: $242 |
NOTE: The prices are accurate as of November 2017. Every 100 points equal 1 carat. Use the official customizer to find out what your ring would cost.
Aggie ring overview
According to the official website, the ring contains the following symbolism: “The 13 stripes in the shield refer to the 13 original states and symbolize the intense patriotism of graduates and undergraduates of A&M. The five stars in the shield refer to phases of development of the student; mind or intellect, body, spiritual attainment, emotional poise, and integrity of character. The eagle is symbolic of agility and power, and ability to reach great heights as ambitions. One side of the ring symbolizes the seal of the State of Texas authorized by the constitution of 1845. The five-pointed star is encircled with a wreath of olive or laurel leaves symbolizing achievement and a desire for peace and live-oak leaves symbolizing the strength to fight. They are joined at the bottom by a circled ribbon to show the necessity of joining these two traits to accomplish one’s ambition to serve. The other side with its ancient cannon, saber, and rifle symbolizes that the men of Texas fought for their land and are determined to defend their homeland. The saber stands for valor and confidence. The rifle and cannon are symbols of preparedness and defense. The crossed flags of the United States and Texas recognize the dual allegiance to nation and state.”
The eligibility criteria in order to purchase a ring will require a student not be on suspension, dismissal, academic probation, or in any violation of the honor code of Aggie Land or the principles of the university. Also, there is a good academic standing prerequisite for an undergraduate with a minimum GPA of 2.0 and minimum credit requirement for the master’s programs.
The Aggie rings are distributed to eligible candidates during Aggie ring day, an event that is organized three times a year in April, September, and November. During this event, students get an Aggie ring ticket as proof of their eligibility and other identification documents to collect the Aggie ring.
What are the extra costs?
Shipping will cost $20 in the 48 contiguous United States and $30 for Alaska and Hawaii.
Tips to know:
Obtaining an Aggie ring is not just ordering it from a store, but one has to meet certain minimum requirements in order to buy the ring as mentioned above. These requirements were defined by the Official Senior Ring Committee in 1933, a committee responsible for protecting the ring’s integrity and ensures that it is delivered only to the deserving Aggies. The committee issues nearly 9,000 Aggie rings every year after verifying the eligibility.
You can make a donation to the Aggies through the Aggie Ring organization. These donations go toward student scholarship programs, organizations, and upholding school traditions.
How can I save money?
The Aggie Land Association facilitates scholarships and loans for ring purchases by current students.
As you can see in the table above, you don’t necessarily need to purchase a yellow gold ring. The Polara finish, which is 75 percent sterling silver and 25 percent palladium, is about $700 cheaper for men and about $300 cheaper for women.
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Average Reported Cost: $0