Amelia Sposa Wedding Dresses Cost

Written by: Staff

Amelia Sposa, according to the official website, allows you to purchase a wedding dress in a unique way through its one-of-a-kind online service.  An Italian label founded by la Signore Amelia in 1983, her passion truly shows in her work, from the design to the tailoring.  Today, her daughter and son have taken over the company, but the original vision still remains today.

Able to browse the entire catalog via the website, while viewing models in the exact wedding dress you may be interested in purchasing, buying a wedding dress, as per the company, allows you to see the sewing quality up close thanks to the high-quality images, see the quality of the materials due to the detailed information provided and get all of your order information answered via the customer service representatives.  If that’s not enough, the company also offers a free worldwide delivery service and allows you to exchange or return your dress if you’re not satisfied.

Amelia Sposa Wedding Dresses Cost
Dramatic Veil” (CC BY 2.0) by ewen and donabel

How much does an Amelia Sposa wedding dress cost?

The cost of purchasing an Amelia Sposa wedding dress, like any other wedding dress, will depend on the retailer you choose, the type of dress, add-ons and the condition (new vs.used).  While the official website of the manufacturer doesn’t specifically state the prices on its website, we did find a few brides who did share what they paid, with prices ranging anywhere from $1,300 to $2,100 brand new.

On this forum thread, members talked about how they could purchase a dress from this company and what it would cost.  While many stated it was hard to get in contact with the company, one member was able to get ahold of them and was given a quote slightly more than $1,500, while another member was given a similar quote when she used the contact form on the website.

The website,, had three active listings at the time of this publishing, with prices ranging from $1,000 to $1,200, and while the website caters to “pre-owned” wedding dresses, two of the three listings never were worn, one being altered and the other being unaltered.

On this thread, one visitor said she inquired about a few dresses and was quoted around $1,000 to $1,500.

Tips to know

The official website warns of the many counterfeit dresses found online and assures all customers that the real dress will come with a certificate of authenticity.

You cannot purchase the dress directly from any U.S. retailers; rather, you will need to contact them directly via their website at

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Average Reported Cost: $0

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Less Expensive $1 $1.5K $3K $5K $6.5K More Expensive $8k

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