How Much Does an Angora Rabbit Cost?

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The Angora rabbit is a domestic rabbit often bred for its wool and is considered one of the oldest domesticated rabbits originating from Ankara, historically known as Angora.

devil bunny by emmajanehw, on Flickr
devil bunny” (CC BY 2.0) by  emmajanehw

How much does an angora rabbit cost?

The price of an Angora rabbit will depend on the age, breed, gender, quality and where it’s being adopted.  On average, the price of an Angora rabbit can range anywhere from $80 to as much as $225.

On Hobbly, an online classified website, there were close to 100+ listings at the time of this writing, with prices ranging from $25 to $110+

Burke’s Backyard says the average Angora can cost about $50 to $75.

Angora rabbit overview

Its body is short, compact, well-rounded, and on average, it can weigh up to three pounds and measures close to three inches in length.

The coat can come in a variety of colors, ranging from white, which is the most common, to one color all over or a shaded-like pattern.

Its temperament, as explained by their owners, is said to be docile, very friendly and placid.  Most will get along with other pets as long as they are introduced properly.

When healthy, the average Angora can live six to 10 years.

What are the extra costs?

A rabbit cage, which is, at a minimum, at least 30x36x18, should be made with wire mesh.  Of course, this is just the minimum recommendation, and the sky really is the limited.  Be prepared to spend anywhere from $30 on a cage found at a local yard sale to as much as a few hundred dollars for a customized setup.  A good option, at least according to The Cage Coop, is to build a customized cage.

Aside from the cage, a play yard that’s fenced in is highly recommended to allow your rabbit to run around and help wear down their nails to maintain its body tone.  This yard, if you decided to build one, should be enclosed, and, at a minimum, should be about 30 to 40 square feet in size.  This exercise pen should be covered from top to bottom and have buried wire to prevent it from escaping.

Angora rabbits often eat hay, high fiber/protein pellets, fresh vegetables and fruit.  It is recommended they have a high protein diet to ensure their wool coat can grow nice and thick.  Every day, each rabbit, on average, should receive at least one-fourth cup of food.  Plan on budgeting around $25 per month for food, vegetables, fruits and the hay.

Like a cat, a rabbit will use pellet litter inside the litter box when using the bathroom.  Litter, on average, can cost about $5 to $10 per month.

Due to its thicker coat, it is recommended you groom it weekly with a small tooth comb and a pair of scissors.  These grooming supplies should be a one-time cost but may need to be replaced if the comb and/or scissors were to become dull.  These supplies, in the beginning, should cost about $50 to $100.

Health costs are usually at a minim; however, if your rabbit were to come down with an illness, then medication and a doctor’s visit may be necessary.

An Angora can be desexed for about $75 to $150.

Shipping, if you can’t purchase locally, may be an additional charge to consider.  The costs will depend on the mode of transportation and how far it has to be traveled.  On average, shipping will be in the $100 range.  On top of this shipping fee, an airline-approved crate may need to be purchased separately at about $40 to $65 per carrier.

Tips to know:

Failing to groom your rabbit’s hair can often lead to what is known as “wool block.

Every 90 days or so, you will have to more than likely harvest the wool.  To know when the wool is ready to harvest, you will want to look for loose wool that starts to stack behind the rabbit.  If you don’t plan on using the wool, consider selling it as you can often make about $6 per ounce.   Each year, on average, you can expect about 20 ounces worth of wool.  If you’re the crafty type, consider creating your own crafts to sell for a profit.

One of the most common health problems these rabbits encounter is due to swallowing too much hair.  While most rabbits will swallow hair, it will often pass through their digestive tract; if too much is swallowed, however, it can clog and cause different health issues.

How can I save money?

Consider checking a local rescue or animal shelter as you can commonly find rabbits up for adoption for a low cost.  Do keep in mind, however, that finding an Angora can be hard.

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