How Much Does Cat Tooth Extraction Cost?
Tooth extraction is common for cats that have severe tooth decay or gum problems and any sort of dental disease is very common among cats. In fact,, a professional veterinarian, claims every cat she sees over age six is in need of some sort of dental work. As the cat ages, they can develop some sort of gingivitis, which can lead to inflammation, bleeding, pain or infection.
This procedure will prevent further complications in the future that may harm the cat’s health, and the price of this procedure is going to depend on the complexity of the problem, the vet performing the job and geographical location.
How much does a cat tooth extraction cost?
On average, the cost for cat tooth extraction can range anywhere from $50 to $130 per tooth, depending on the location of the tooth. If more than one tooth has to be pulled during a session, the price for each tooth can go down. For example, if four teeth have to be pulled, the price may be $35 to $100 per tooth, but with most extractions, other work needs to be done with it such as lab work, x-rays and a cleaning. When anesthesia, antibiotics, the extraction and other necessary exams are factored in, the total price can be $500 to $800. Keep in mind each situation will depend on what the cat needs. One cat may need x-rays and a deep cleaning, while another cat may simply have the tooth extracted.
A forum member on worked at a vet office and said an extraction could cost $792 at her clinic. Another member on the same thread stated they were quoted $650 to $850.
Cat tooth extraction overview
The grand total mentioned above should include the bloodwork, IV catheter, anesthesia, dental x-rays, a cleaning, the extractions, antibiotics afterward, suture materials and a follow-up exam to make sure the cat is healing properly. This, of course, can vary, so always be sure to ask what’s included in your bill.
Before the procedure begins, the vet is going to take an x-ray and/or blood work to determine how much damage has been done and if the cat is healthy enough to go under anesthesia. This blood work can also identify any underlying health issues that could affect the procedure. Aside from anesthesia, a vet may want to use IV fluids as this gives them the opportunity to access the circulatory system if an emergency system were to arise. At this time, they may also recommend alternatives such a cleaning agent or antibiotics before an extraction is even considered.
A cat’s tooth can either be extracted surgically or non-surgically and depending on the disease, one or more teeth may have to be extracted at one time. With a surgical method, the veterinarian will use this method if the tooth roots are broken, and with nonsurgical methods will be used if the cat has advanced periodontal disease or severe gingivitis. During the procedure, a small incision will be created and specialized dental equipment can easily remove the infected tooth. Regardless of the procedure being used, the extraction site will be sutured together to prevent an infection in the future. Most procedures can take anywhere from two to four hours, depending on the extent of the issue.
Cat care after the tooth extraction will include a soft food diet for about a week, pain medications and minimizing the cat’s activity. After one to two weeks, the cat will start to heal and can return to normal activities.
What are the extra costs?
Pre-op medication will more than likely be prescribed to keep the pain at a minimum and may be charged separately. Pre-op x-rays may also be necessary to examine the tooth that needs to be extracted to see if any bone damage is present.
Most vets will want to perform a deep clean along with the extraction since your cat will be under anesthesia. This cleaning may be billed separately, depending on the clinic, but most cleanings, on average, can cost $200 to $300 extra.
Tips to know:
Your regular vet may recommend you to a veterinarian dentist, a professional who specializes in this sort of situation. Since removing feline teeth can be a challenge, it’s important to extract the entire tooth because these teeth can break easily, leaving behind tiny roots. If these roots were left behind, it can continue to act a foreign enemies to your cat, causing more problems in the future.
A common feline mouth condition is stomatitis, a painful disease of the mouth. This disease is thought to be immune-mediated, but viruses, calicivirus and FIV could play a role as well. Basically, it means the cat will have a strange reaction to their own teeth, usually with the plaque on the teeth. Since this plaque lives on the cat’s tooth, it can be impossible to keep it free and a vet may recommend a full-mouth extraction to help your cat cope with the pain if other treatments fail to work.
Feline dental chart
The feline dental chart, similar to the picture below, will be a permanent record of your cat’s dental record. This will include any abnormalities, the skull type, occlusion abnormalities, radiographic findings, the amount of plaque present, periodontal abnormalities, proposed treatments, and the treatment done in the past.
How can I save money?
If you have a Humane Society in your area, see if they have a vet’s office there. Many shelters have low-cost vet clinics that can perform this procedure.
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Average Reported Cost: $1500.5

How much did you spend?
- Carmen (Independence, Missouri) paid $220 and said:
$220.00 Grand Total —$175.00 for extraction of ten teeth and anesthesia, $30.00 for take home antibiotic, and $15.00 for pain killer at clinic – $220.00 total for 10 teeth. I see the prices quoted on here as absolutely ridiculous! My cat also stayed two nights for that price. Independence Animal Hospital off of Noland in Independence, MO. Best vet clinic around.
Was it worth it? Yes
- Diane (Apache Junction, Arizona) paid $2781 and said:
Quotes 11 teeth with anesthetic monitoring etc. low $2,781. High $3,179
Was it worth it? Yes