How Much Does Cervical Biopsy Cost?

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A cervical biopsy is a procedure done to collect a tissue sample from the cervix and test it for cancerous or precancerous cells.  Being the “neck of the womb,” the cervix is prone to harmful cancer cells that, if not addressed promptly, will prove to be very dangerous to your health.

Doctor office by SupportPDX, on Flickr
Doctor office” (CC BY 2.0) by SupportPDX

How much does a cervical biopsy cost?

The cost of a cervical biopsy will depend on where you get the procedure done and where you live.  On average, the entire Cervical Biopsy procedure can cost around $650 to $900 if you have it done at a local physician’s office to as much as $2,500 in a surgery center.  These price estimates would be for those who don’t have health insurance.

MDSave says the average cervical cone biopsy national average is $1,580; however, the MDSave average price ranges from $433 to $965.

According to, the cost of a cervical biopsy will depend on your health insurance, deductibles, co-pays, and the findings.

This procedure will more than likely be covered by your health insurance as long as it is deemed medically necessary by your doctor, and you should only be responsible for your co-pay and/or deductibles.  Since all policies vary, it’s best to talk with your insurance company ahead of time to see what you will be responsible for.  If you do not have a health insurance policy, consider using, a free health insurance search engine.

Factors that affect the price

Geographical location

As with any other medical procedures and surgeries, the costs for cervical biopsy vary from one state to another.  Also, the facility where the procedure is done is a determinant of the actual costs.  As mentioned, the price differs if done in an ambulatory surgery center or in a physician’s office.

Type of procedure

There are two common types of cervix biopsy as explained below.  A cone biopsy, for example, is a lot more common and is known to be less expensive than other methods.

Cervical biopsy overview

The estimates above should include the physician fee, the facility fee and anesthesia services, if necessary; however, since all doctor’s offices will have its own billing policies, it’s best to know what you inclusions will be upon payment.

There are three types of cervical biopsy procedures: punch, cone, and endocervical curettage (ECC).   A punch biopsy will take a small piece of tissue using an instrument known as a “biopsy forcep.”  In some cases, the cervix may be stained with a special dye to help the doctor spot any abnormalities.  A cone biopsy will use either a laser or a scalpel to remove a cone-shaped piece of tissue from inside the cervix.  During the procedure, you will often be given a general anesthetic to help you sleep during the process.  The endocervical curettage procedure will involve removing cells from the endocervical canal, using a small instrument known as a curette, which has a tip shaped like a hook or a scoop.

The procedure, often performed at the local doctor’s office, will be done either by a gynecologist, obstetrician or physician.  Most procedures will take 20 to 30 minutes.

After the biopsy, the results should return within three to five days.

What are the extra costs?

Before the procedure, a routine blood test, urine analysis, pap smear and examination will more than likely be required.  These tests, more often than not, will be charged separately.

A few days later, you will need to return to your doctor’s office to discuss your results.  If the results were positive, then he or she will discuss the next course of action.

Depending on the results, if cancer is detected, the doctor may have to remove a large portion of the cervix, which, depending on the complexity of the situation, can cost anywhere from $500 to more than $3,500.  Generally, if it can be done in a doctor’s office, it will be much cheaper than a local hospital.

Tips to know:

Common side effects after the procedure include menstrual-like cramps and vaginal discharge; these are considered normal and are not cause for concern.

Doctors advise most of their patients to refrain from engaging in any sexual activity after the procedure for at least two weeks.

Also, after the procedure, patients must avoid lifting heavy weights for three weeks.

How can I save money:

If you do not have health insurance and you meet certain income requirements, many hospitals may have programs set up for you.  Talk with the finance department for more information.

Check your local Planned Parenthood offices as some do provide services at a reduced cost, especially if you meet minimum income requirements.

Make sure that your insurance company will cover a portion (if not entire) of the cost of the procedure before setting up an appointment.  It’s also best to make sure the doctor is in network as well.

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