How Much Does a Dog Endoscopy Cost?

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An endoscopy is done as a way to examine the colon, the stomach as well as the other internal organs of your dog.

Usually, rigid scopes are used to check the genitourinary tract and abdominal system of your dog by being inserted into the rectum.  On the other hand, flexible scopes, which are done through the mouth, are used to check your dog’s trachea, small intestines, and the major airway of your lungs.

An endoscopy can be done for a few different reasons.  If your dog has swallowed a foreign object that it will not be able to digest, an endoscope can be used to find it and remove it.  If your dog has been suffering from diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, abdominal pain, or loss of appetite, an endoscopy may help the veterinarian determine what is wrong.

Lilly 3 by aturkus, on Flickr
Lilly 3” (CC BY 2.0) by aturkus

How much does an endoscopy cost for a dog?

On average, a dog endoscopy is going to cost anywhere from $800 to as much as $2,000.  This cost will depend on the scope of the treatment, how the scope is inserted, the area being inspected, the anesthesia involved and your local veterinarian’s fee.

According to one veterinarian who answered a question on, the price of an endoscopy can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $1,800.

Factors that affect the price

Type of endoscopy

There are different endoscopies for your dog.  It could be a rhinoscopy, urethroscopy, laparoscopy, tracheoscopy, colonoscopy and gastroduodenoscopy.  Each of these types, depending on the route your vet chooses, can be different in terms of pricing.

The person doing the endoscopy

It gets more expensive if the one doing the endoscopy is an internal medicine specialist rather than a veterinarian.


If both ends are scoped, it is going to cost more.

Geographical area

An endoscopy varies depending on where you live.

Endoscopy for a dog overview

During the procedure, your dog will be sedated so that it will not be uncomfortable during the procedure.  It can also help the vet focus since he or she won’t have to worry about the dog moving about while the tube is being used.  After being anesthetized, your dog will be placed on the operating table, and the endoscope, which is a flexible-like tube, will be inserted either through your dog’s mouth or rectum.

The veterinarian will then be able to see what is inside the stomach of your dog because of the viewing port and/or camera attached to the tube.  There are also channels wherein water could be flushed to clean the tip of the endoscope.  A different channel is then added so it could grasp the foreign object.  If an item is spotted that has to be removed, it will be done during this time.

Depending on the item found (if found), the object may be able to come out with the help of an endoscope.  However, if the item is smooth, round or slick and slimy, the object may have to be pulled out using a different procedure.  If the testing isn’t for locating an object, then the examiner will be able to view the esophagus, stomach and the upper part of the small intestine in full color.  Here, they will be able to determine any inflammation, swelling and/or abnormal narrowing.

If the dog is having the endoscopy for other health issues, the same procedures will be used, except that the scope may be inserted through the rectum.  This depends on the symptoms and what the doctor is looking for.  An endoscopy can help diagnose many things, even cancer in serious cases.

The results, most of the time, can be read in real time and will be known immediately; however, the final diagnosis, especially if a biopsy were needed, could take up to a week, depending on the circumstances.

What are the extra costs?

On top of the estimates mentioned above, a vet examination fee may be applied as well.

An x-ray and/or ultrasound may also necessary to check out if there is any abnormality.  These two things will determine if your dog needs an endoscopy.  SEE: “How much does a dog x-ray cost?

If the examiner were to find an abnormal lesion or even a suspicious area, then the area will be biopsied for a proper diagnosis.

If your dog needs surgery, such as foreign body removal, a cruciate repair or splenectomy, for example, then the surgery, on top of the fees mentioned above, will cost another $1,400 to $2,600 to complete.

There will also be additional charges if your vet requires additional diagnostics before the procedure begins.  This could include blood work or a physical exam.

An endoscope that has to be done as an emergency can cost $100 to $300 more.

Medication may be recommended after the procedure has been performed.

Tips to know:

If there is a foreign object found that cannot be removed by endoscopy within 45 minutes, surgery must take place.

A good veterinarian perfect for the endoscopy procedure would be an internal medicine specialist.

To avoid any complications, be sure to avoid feeding your dog on the day of the procedure. recommends fasting for 12 to 18 hours to help the dog clear their system.

Be sure to follow the medical recommendations of your vet to avoid any complications.

Questions to ask your vet

How should I prepare for the procedure?

Will my dog need surgery?

What kind of endoscopy will take place?

What happens after an endoscopy?

What are the diagnostic tests needed before the procedure?

How can I save money?

If you do not have a pet insurance policy, it may be time to consider one.  Like an insurance policy for humans, a pet insurance policy will cover many medical needs and can potentially save you thousands.

Understand why your veterinarian wants an endoscopy.  If a stomach issue, for example, is suspected, then an endoscope may determine the root of the problem, and the same can be said about a dog that has digested a foreign object.  Depending on the scope of the problem, an endoscopy, in some circumstances, may not confirm the problem.

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Average Reported Cost: $2650

100 %
0 %
Less Expensive $1 $1.5K $3K $5K $6.5K More Expensive $8k

How much did you spend?

Was it worth it?  

  1. audrey (Jackson,  Michigan) paid $1800 and said:

    1800.00 total for endoscopy, removal of foreign object, 3 day hospital stay and 2 weeks of special food and antibiotics. Dog: Great Dane

    Was it worth it? Yes

  2. Chris (Plainview,  New York) paid $3500 and said:

    Paid $3,500 to remove piece of bone from dog’s throat with a scope.

    Was it worth it? Yes

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