Eyemart Express Eye Exam Cost

Written by:  Howmuchisit.org Staff

The Eyemart Express brand, as per its official website, is considered to be the nation’s eight largest optical retailer, with the goal to help provide affordable prescription eyewear to everyone, everywhere.

Open in 1990 by Dr. Doug Barnes in Appleton, Wisconsin, the 100th store was opened in 2009 in Des Moines, Iowa, with more than 162 stores in more than 34 states as of 2016.

Eyemart Express Eye Exam Coste
eye exam (no. 2)” (CC BY 2.0) by noir imp

How much does an eye exam cost at Eyemart Express?

As each Eyemart Express, as per our research, seems to be independently owned, using the “Eyemart Express” brand, the costs will vary based on your geographical region and what type of eye exam you need.  For a basic eye exam, the costs seemed to be in the $50 to $75 range, whereas a contact lens exam could cost more than $110+.

The official website does claim they accept multiple vision insurance policies, allowing you to even search on their website (look at the top right corner) to see if they accept your current plan.  If you they do accept your insurance, it seems as if the company does offer a promotion if you bring in your insurance, with promotions such as getting a second pair of eyeglasses for free, for instance.  This promotion can greatly vary, however.

Prices reported...Source
$300 for Hoya digital lensesLINK
$450 for two pairs of glassesLINK
Two pairs under $400 without insuranceLINK
Quoted $69 for eye exam but later billed $119LINK
Two pairs of progressive lenses for $239LINK
Two pairs for $170LINK
Two pairs for $112LINK
$325 for two pairsLINK
Eye exam for $60 and glasses were under $200LINK
$85 for comprehensive examLINK
$300 for 3 pairs of glasses and one pair of prescription sunglassesLINK
Complete eye exam for $59LINK

According to this review for the Abilene, Texas location on Yelp, for instance, one reviewer claimed he had to pay $110 for his contact lens exam.  On another review for the Eugene, Oregon location, a reviewer said she was quoted $69 for an eye exam without insurance.

A commenter on this Reddit.com thread stated he paid $200 for the eye exam and two pairs of glasses which were ready the same day.

Tips to know

As all locations will have an independent optometrist, be sure to look at the reviews for the doctor, not the specific brand as your results will vary.  Remember, as per law, you do not have to fill your prescription at the location of your eye exam, meaning you can purchase your eyeglasses online via discounted eyeglass retailers such as or even another retailer such as Costco or Walmart, for example.

The company readily has Eyemart Express coupons available both online and commonly in local circular ads, so be sure to look out for these special coupons and/or promotions before making an appointment.  For example, we did find this flyer, offering a limited time $39 eye exam at some locations.  It also looks as if you can join their free official email program as well to receive coupons in the future.

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Average Reported Cost: $0

0 %
0 %
Less Expensive $1 $1.5K $3K $5K $6.5K More Expensive $8k

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