Gum Bleaching Cost

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Even though dark gums may be healthy, some find the color to be unattractive, often seeking measures to lighten them.

Aside from being known as gum bleaching, it can also be referred to as gum depigmentation or as a dark gum treatment, to name a few.

Gum Bleaching Cost
Needlicious” (CC BY 2.0) by Conor Lawless

How much does gum bleaching cost?

The costs to bleach your gums will depend on the dentist you use, the method they prefer, the degree of discoloration, the depth and the location of your gums.  As each patient will vary somewhat, the prices can range anywhere from $900 to $1,500 for both the upper and lower set of gums.  If, in some cases, you only need one set of gums bleached, then it’s best to cut this cost in half for a decent estimate.  As this is often considered a cosmetic procedure, most dental insurance companies will not cover it.

Dr. Alex Farnoosh, a cosmetic dentist based out of Beverly Hills, California, on his website, claims the procedure at his office can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $1,500 or even higher depending on the complexity of your case.

Bauer and Bauer Dentistry and Orthodontics mention the costs can range from $800 to $1,200 depending on the severity and the amount of the area that needs to be treated.

The treatment process

Before the procedure is even considered, the dentist will first want to examine your discolored gums to make sure you’re a candidate for the procedure.  Generally, your gums must be free of oral and/or periodontal disease to be considered for this process.  Patients also taking blood thinners and those with thin gum tissue are often not considered good candidates, either.

At this time, your dentist will also be able to determine the complexity of your treatment and determine the best course of action.

There are a few methods dentists prefer when lightening your gums, however, most dentists will use a dental laser, particularly one known as the Waterlase MD Laser, in order to remove the dark pigmentation on the gums.  These lasers are minimally invasive, safe and avoid the pain of needles.  The entire process can be completed in one office visit and one session can last up to more than 20 years, depending on the method used.

Most patients claim there’s no pain or discomfort, but those with sensitive gums may experience slight discomfort for a short period of time. Immediately after the procedure, patients will be able to resume normal activities and can drive themselves home.

The entire process will take about 30 to 60 minutes and can be done inside your dentist’s office.

Why are my gums black?

Darker-than-average gums, even though healthy, are caused by what’s known as hyperpigmentation, the darkening of the skin caused by melanin.  Often attributed to genetics and/or those with a darker skin tone, particularly Middle Eastern ethnicities and those of African descent, can be prone to this dilemma; however, it can affect peoples of all genders, ages and race.

Dark gums are not always considered to be healthy as poor hygiene can result in the bacteria buildup on your teeth and gums, eventually leading to the development of gum disease, which, if left ignored, can lead to the darkening of your gums.  Smoking, another common factor, as well as medications, such as minocycline and salicylic acid, can be a factor as well.

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