How Much Does a Homocysteine Test Cost?

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Homocysteine is an amino acid that plays a role in energy production. When there is too much homocysteine in one’s blood, it becomes a risk factor for heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease.  The buildup of homocysteine slowly destroys the lining of the walls of the artery, causing it to harden.  This also increases blood clot formations.

Normal levels of homocysteine should not be less than five and not exceed 15 micromoles per liter.  Genetic factors and diet, especially the fondness for meat, are major contributory factors for increased levels of this chemical in the blood.  Individuals who smoke, are obese, diabetic, have hypertension and high cholesterol or have family members with a history of heart disease are highly recommended to take this test.

A homocysteine test is performed by taking blood from the patient by a doctor.  This blood sample is then sent to the lab for testing.

How much does a homocysteine test cost?

On average, this test should cost anywhere from $50 to as much as $125 for the test alone with no insurance.  The costs will come down to the lab doing the work.  However, many online labs package this type of test with other screening tests, which can bring the overall price tag to $200 to $400, especially if being done at a local doctor’s office.

While rare, some health insurance companies will cover this test, but this is not always the case.  You will just be responsible for your co-pays, deductibles, etc.  If you do not have health insurance or need a new policy, consider checking for a new policy.

Some insurance companies include fasting homocysteine analysis in their coverage which cost from $50 to $110 on the average, according to .

According to, another direct to consumer Labs that offers the homocysteine test charges $68 for this screening test, and it can be done at any of its 2,000+ conveniently located CLIA-certified U.S. locations.

Homocysteine test overview

About 0.6 and 1.2 mL volume of blood is collected for total homocysteine assay and placed in a green-top or purple-top tube.

The collected blood samples are then centrifuged within 30 minutes to one hour of collection and kept in a refrigerated container or freezer until the time of analysis.

Fasting blood tests are usually the manner in which homocysteine is measured.  For standard reference purposes, total fasting plasma homocysteine is recommended.

Upon reading the tests, your results will show your fasting plasma homocysteine levels, per liter of blood.  Anything between 5-15 is normal; 16-30 is moderately high; 31-100 is intermediately high and numbers over 100 are considered severely high.  Test results, depending on the lab you use, can take 24 to 72 hours.

What are the extra costs?

Other laboratory tests may be required to confirm certain diseases that cannot be confirmed with homocysteine test alone.

If you are going to have this test done at a local doctor’s office, then a doctor’s office examination fee may be applied.

Tips to know:

Fasting is required for at least 10 to 12 hours before the blood sample is taken.

It is not advisable for individuals who had suffered from cerebrovascular accidents and myocardial infarction to be tested within 8 to 12 weeks after the event because it might give a false reading.

According to the American Heart Association, there is no evidence to show that people benefit from lowering homocysteine levels.

How can I save money?

Some laboratory centers cater to individuals who are able to pay out of their own pockets and offer reduced prices.  Be sure to ask about cash discounts ahead of time.

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