How Much Do Pine Trees Cost?

Written by: Staff

Pine trees are evergreen, coniferous resinous trees that can grow more than 260 feet tall and the most commonly seen trees in the northern hemisphere.  These trees are known to be long-lived, often living longer than 1,000 years and more than 200 varieties exist today.

Green by Infomastern, on Flickr
Green” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by  Infomastern

How much much does a pine tree cost?

The price of a pine tree will depend on the size, quality of the tree, variety geographical location and where it’s purchased.  On average, plan on spending anywhere from $2 for a sapling to as much as $300 for a pine tree taller than five feet.  With a few popular varieties on the market, we included the most popular types, along with the costs inside our table below.  We found this information by visiting a few nurseries and visiting websites to see what other nurseries are charging.

Pine tree seedlings, depending on the variety, can cost about $1 to $2 per seed., for instance, offers the eastern white pine, scotch pine, red pine and Austrian pine variety.  According to the website, prices for a 15-foot tree starts at $445 and will increase as the tree gets taller.

Type of Pine TreeAverage Price
Austrian- $40 for 1-gallon pot
Dwarf Eastern- $80 for three foot tree
Dwarf Serbian- $40 for two foot tree
Eastern White- $40 for 1-gallon pot
Green Twist White- $90 for three foot tree
Loblolly- $40 to $75 for 3-gallon pot
Longleaf- $45 for 3-gallon pot
Mugo- $80 for 5-gallon pot
Scots- $25 for 1-gallon pot
White Weeping- $50 for 2-gallon pot

Pine tree overview

Wild pine trees can reach high heights, and the tallest known variety — the ponderosa pine — can grow as tall as 250 feet.  Depending on the variety, expect the tree to grow eight to 12 inches per year.

There are a wide variety of pine trees available, but nurseries commonly carry a few varieties as stated in our table above.  The dwarf mountain pine, for instance, is more like a shrub that resembles a pine tree since it can only grow up to 10 feet high.  It’s usually bushy in form and as wide as it is tall.  The scots pine is a hardy variety that can grow up to 60 feet in the right conditions.  When mature, it has a spreading canopy, which often opens itself to a myriad of birds.

What are the extra costs?

Starter fertilizer is highly recommended for smaller trees to encourage growth if it’s going to be grown in extremely poor soil.  For instance, a clay soil may recommend a pinch of organic matter or sphagnum.  A good fertilizer can cost $5 to $10.  However, it’s very rare a pine tree will need any sort of fertilizer.

Mulch is recommended since most of the younger pines don’t like weeds at the base.  A good bag of mulch can cost $3 to $6 at your local retailer.

If the tree has to be planted professionally, the costs can greatly vary depending upon the size of the tree; however, most trees should cost less than $75 each to plan.  To get a good estimate, consider using to receive free multiple quotes from contractors in your area.

Most local nurseries will deliver for a fee, which is usually around $55 to $125, depending on how far they have to travel; however, this fee may be waived if a minimum amount is spent.

Tips to know:

Pine trees, according to Tree Center, should be planted in full sun and will not need a lot of water.  In fact, younger trees will do better in drier weather with a little water.  This will encourage the tree to develop a stronger taproot.

The best time to plant the tree will be in the later summer months or during the early fall.  However, if you were to plant a pine tree in the early winter, the tree can still do well as long as the ground doesn’t freeze below the tree roots.

To make sure you’re getting a quality tree, it’s highly advisable you purchase the tree as small as possible so you can pay close attention, and treat, the pests and diseases which may attack it in its early stages of life.

Pine trees prefer acidic soils but may do well in chalky soil; however, it isn’t recommended.  The most important part of the soil is the drainage.  Too much water can cause root rot, and for this reason, sandy or clay can make a great choice.

Unless there’s a long period of drought, a pine tree doesn’t need to be watered since they are able to develop a strong root system capable of finding and bringing up the necessary water to survive.  If you haven’t experienced water for quite some time, a hose on its soaker setting should be laid out several feet away from the base for a few minutes.

Pines are very susceptible to tip blight and attacks from the pine wilt nematode and aphids.

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