How Much Does a GenerLink Cost?

Written by: Staff

The GenerLink, according to the company’s official product description, is a plug and play generator transfer switch that gives you the ability to use anything inside of the electrical panel, up to the capacity of the generator you’re using.

UL listed, GenerLink is considered to be a safe way to use a portable generator in the case of a power outage, offering peace of mind.

How much does a GenerLink cost?

The cost of a GenerLink will depend on a few factors, including the amperage, which is based on the size of your generator (30 or 40 amps), which retailer it’s purchased from and in the case you need a professional help to install it, the scope of the project and your geographical region.

For just the GenerLink, the costs, based on the factors above, can range anywhere from $650 for a 30-amp mounted transfer switch to as much as $900+ for a 40-amp meter mounted transfer switch with 75kA per phase surge protection.  These prices would not include the additional generator power cord, which, depending on the length needed, can add another $100 to $250+ to the total.

At the Home Depot, for instance, the costs of a 30-amp meter mounted transfer switch, model# MA23-N, , whereas the higher-end model, the 40-amp meter mounted transfer switch with 75kA per phase surge protection .  The same price range was found on these Amazon listings as well.

As for the professional installation, the company claims the entire install job takes less than 30 minutes, which, most of the time, means an electrician, when installing it, will only charge a minimal home visit fee, which will greatly vary on your local location.  From the quotes we researched online, if you were to hire a professional electrician, it would be best to budget another $150 to $200+ on top of the parts fees mentioned prior.

GenerLink Device (30 or 40-amp)$650 to $900+, depending on the exact model
Cord$99 to $250, depending on length
Professional Install$125 to $250+
Electrical permit/inspection$150 to $250+
Total, including labor$1,024 to $1,650+

One member on this thread, for instance, stated he paid $1,100 for his install.

How does GenerLink work?

The GenerLink is a five-inch device which is installed behind your electrical meter, and when you connect your generator to the device, it will start up, automatically disconnecting your home from the electric utility grid, essentially preventing the possibility of any back feed, which can oftentimes, cause damage to electrical equipment and even cause harm.  Since the device can be installed to just about any standard household electric service of 200 amps or less, all you will need to do to use it is flip a breaker once the generator is running.


According to the company’s official website, they claim the following benefits:

A 200 amp continuous, UL listed meter transfer switch that’s able to prevent back feeding into a utility line

No subpanel or rewiring installation will be required, with the average install time being 30 minutes

The system works with most portable generators on the market

Once installed, it’s ready to use when needed

Tips to know

Before you consider the purchase, refer to this official GenerLink PDF to see if your generator is compatible with the switch.  To put it simply, if you already have a generator, you will want to see if it matches any of the connectors found here.  If you do not have one of these connectors, then it cannot be used with the product.

According to one member on this forum thread, he stated his local electric company does not allow this device.  To play it safe and while not confirmed, it may be wise to contact your electric company for more information in regards to the legality of this product.

GenerLink will not work with an A Base meter as the GenerLink, even with the S base adaptor, will lack a grounding location as per

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