How Much Does a Passport Cost?

Written by: Staff

If you are going to be traveling anywhere outside of the United States, a passport is required.  Passports are government-issued pieces of photo-identification and can only be obtained through government-approved facilities, such as the post office or secretary of state.

passport cost
“Passports” (CC BY 2.0) by  jaaron

How much does it cost for a passport?

First-time adult applicants will have to pay a $25 execution fee as well as a $140 application fee.  This cost is for a passport book and passport card.  (According to, the passport card allows you “to enter the United States from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Bermuda at land border crossings or sea ports-of-entry and is more convenient and less expensive than a passport book. The passport card cannot be used for international travel by air.)

First-time adult applicants who only wish to have a passport book will only pay a $110 application fee in addition to the $25 execution fee.

First-time adult applicants who only want a passport card can do so for a $30 charge on top of the $25 execution fee.

First-time minor applicants will have to pay a $25 execution fee as well as $95 for a passport book and card, $80 for only a passport book, or $15 for only a passport card.

All renewal fees are the same as the initial fees, minus the $25 execution fee.

All first-time passports must be applied for in person.  Renewals can be done online and through the mail.

 Application FeeExecution FeeRenewal Fee
Adult (older than 16 years old) Book & Card$140$25$140
Adult (older than 16 years old) Book ONLY$110$25$110
Adult (older than 16 years old) Card ONLY$30$25$30
Minor (16 years or younger) Book & Card$95$25$95
Minor (16 years or younger) Book ONLY$80$25$80
Minor (16 years or younger) Card ONLY$15$25$15
Rush Delivery$60
Adding Pages$82

NOTE:  The passport cost mentioned above can change at any time.  Please refer to for more information and exact prices.

Passport overview

A blue passport cover with the United States government seal is sent with your passport.

The passport book will be stored inside this cover.

A passport card (if purchased), about the size and shape of a credit card, will be sent as well.

Routine processing time will take about four to six weeks. The expediting fee can get you a passport within 14 days.

Getting your first passport

  1. To receive your first passport, you will want to search for the closest passport agency or post office near you.  Be sure to see when they accept applicants, when they accept applicants and if you need an appointment.
  2. Fill out the DS-11 application form.
  3. Bring evidence of U.S. citizenship and a valid identification.
  4. Your application fee.
  5. Passport photos, which can be taken at some post offices or a local drug store such as CVS.

What are the extra costs?

All passport applications must be accompanied by a 2″x2″ headshot photo.  This passport photo can be taken at the post office or secretary of state.  Check with your local office for requirements.  This passport photo usually costs about $15.

If you need your passport in a shorter amount of time than 8 weeks (the average time it takes to get a passport), you will be charged extra.  Expedited service will cost $60 and overnight shipping of your passport book will cost $15.

Adding pages to your passport book will cost an extra $82.

Passport applicants must have a copy of their birth certificate and a current government-issued piece of photo identification.  If you cannot provide this information, a $150 file search fee will be charged in order to confirm your citizenship.

If you need to change your name after the passport has been issued for more than one year, you will have to prove your new name and pay the new fee.

If your passport was stolen, you will need to apply for a new one and will have to pay the standard application fee.

Tips to know:

If you’re going to be traveling within the next two weeks, an expedited passport can be obtained.  While there is no guarantee that the passport will arrive, you’ll have to prove that you’re leaving the country within two weeks.  You will also have to prove why you need it within 2 weeks.  If it’s because of an emergency, there’s a good chance that you can get it.  If you want it because you’re going on vacation, it will more than likely be denied.

Going to a local, regional passport agency is going to make the process a lot smoother than mailing your passport information is.  To find a local passport office within your state, you can find more locations located at

Third party expediting services may sound appealing, but what you’re going to find out is that it’s going to be a lot easier to do the job yourself.  Most services will do everything that you can do on your own such as mailing out the required material.

Changing your name and correcting errors won’t cost anything

The Department of State will accept credit cards and certified checks.  Don’t feel as if you have to bring cash to the local passport offices.

If you were to lose your passport while away from the United States, you will want to make sure you travel with a photocopy of both your passport and some sort of identification.  You will want to contact the nearest U.S. embassy for a new passport.

How can I save money?

Although the fees are set by the government and cannot be negotiated or put “on sale”, applying for your passport a few months in advance will get you the cheapest price possible.

The cost of a passport is already set by the government as mentioned above, but you can save when you need your pictures taken.  Consider calling up a few pharmacies and post offices to see who’s going to offer it at the best price.

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