How Much Does Aeroseal Cost?

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Aeroseal duct sealing is said to be an efficient aerosol spray which is injected under pressure into the ducts, effectively sealing every crack and crevice from the inside, automatically fast drying the aerosol into the cracks, where it will eventually dry, quickly becoming a solid.  According to Howard Air, this method is said to be superior to hand brushing the sealant on the outside.

A duct sealing process developed and patented by the U.S. Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Agency, it was designed to combat wasted energy and poor indoor air quality often caused by leaky ducts.

With no attic work required, the job is monitored by a computer program that is able to determine when the pressure of the ductwork is low enough and most of the leakage has been sealed.

How much does Aeroseal duct sealing cost?

The costs of Aeroseal, like duct sealing in general, will depend on a variety of factors, including the size of your home, the contractor you choose, your geographical location and the age of your duct system, and from the research we did online, quotes seemed to be about $1,300 to $2,300 per average-sized home smaller than 2,300 square feet, making it close to four times the amount of sealing the ductwork by hand, according to  For some, depending on the geographical region, rebates may be available, essentially dropping the costs.

Before committing to the job, however, contractors do note a pre-diagnostics test can be performed for about $199 to $299, but this fee is waived or included in the final bill if you do decide to commit to the job.

According to one contractor via this forum thread, he claimed the cost for an average home for Aeroseal would be about $1,500 for a job that takes about five hours, which would include the labor and the pre- and post-diagnostic tests.  Usually sealing close to 98% of the vents, he notes that most of his customers were able to see annual energy savings ranging anywhere from $200 to $900, depending on the size of the home.  At the time of the post, he did note his customers could apply for a $400 rebate, effectively dropping the total costs.

Aeroseal of Southern New England notes the average price can range anywhere from $1,600 to $2,400, but as mentioned, some rebates could apply, saving some homeowners as much as $600.

How Aeroseal works

The first step involves plugging all of your home’s registers with foam as this will force the air into your ductwork to escape through the leaks if any are present.  By forcing the air to escape via this route, it can help the contractor determine where to start the sealing process.

A small access hole is then cut into the supply or the return and a part known as a temporary collar is attached.  At this time, your air conditioner’s parts — the coil, fan, and furnace — will be temporarily blocked with a foam block to help prevent any sealant particles from entering the system.

Next, a contractor will inject a non-toxic sealant into your ductwork, and doing so, will help the contractor determine how much leakage your system has in terms of square inches and can pinpoint the exact amount of air that is escaping through the ductwork.

Once prepped, an Aeroseal machine is connected to the ductwork via a lay flat tubing and the aerosol sealant will be injected into the ducts.  As this sealant moves through your system and escapes the leaks, it will collect at the edges of the hole until it completely seals, and as per the official website, it can seal up to 5/8ths of an inch.

Small aerosol particles are then injected and suspended in the airflow via continuous air movement to help collect on the holes and cracks in the ductwork to seal it from the inside.  As the process is running, the entire job is monitored by a computer, where you can see how effective the process is at the time.  The company notes ducts will be sealed with about one to two ounces of the sealant material.

Upon completion, you will be provided a summary, showing you the exact leak reduction inside your unit, summarizing your final results.

The pros of Aeroseal

In comparison to hand sealing, Aeroseal is able to reach inaccessible parts of the attic, such as homeowners who have a flat roof

No attic work needs to be done, making it much less labor-intensive and cleaner than other methods.

Unlike a radiant barrier, it’s going work quite reliably, regardless of how it was done.

Fixes common problems felt by homeowners such as uncomfortable hot or cold rooms, indoor quality and savings in utility bills.

At the end of the job, you get a documentation of the results, showing the pre- and post-test results.

Studies have shown that Aeroseal is 60 percent more effective than manually sealing ductwork.

The cons of Aeroseal

It’s not known to seal larger-than-average leaks, about 5/8-inches or larger, often the most important leaks in an HVAC system.  Since the computer program assumes all of the leaks have been sealed, contractors often do not go into the attic to physically inspect if the larger leaks have been seals, according to David Byrnes.

Some experts feel Aeroseal is not cost-effective as it can be up to four times more expensive than doing it by hand, and even with a 20 percent savings in energy, some state it could take up to 10 years to see a payback period.  With this additional savings, some feel the costs can be better spend on a higher quality attic insulation or variable speed pool pump, to name a few.  While the hand sealing, as most claim, is not as great, some feel the thousands of dollars will not be worth it since most will never see it.

Tips to know

To find an authorized Aeroseal dealer in your area, you can refer to this official “Find a Dealer” tool via the official website.

Most homeowners have found up to 90 percent of their leaks sealed after the job completes.

Aeroseal does not coat the ductwork; rather, it will only fill the leaks inside of the ductwork from the inside.

At the end of complete, the product has a 10-year warranty for all residential properties

It’s guaranteed for 10 years and has been stressed tested for 40 years in residential applications.

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