How Much Does Amitiza Cost?

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Amitiza, a prescription-based laxative used to treat chronic constipation and constipation caused by opioids, is currently the only drug in the chloride channel activators class as of this publishing.

Manufacutred by Takeda Pharmaceuticals Inc., it’s FDA approved for opioid-induced constipation for patients suffering from chronic non-cancer related pain and works by activating chloride channels within the intestines, which helps promote fluid secretion to assist with the ability to pass the stool.

How much does Amitiza cost?

Seeing there’s no generic readily available, you will have no choice but to purchase Amitiza as a brand named capsule.  As with any prescriptions, the costs will greatly depend on the dosage (only available in 8 and 24 mcg) and quantity prescribed as well as the pharmacy you use and the insurance coverage you have.   With a few factors involved, we posted the prices without insurance we sourced online in the table below:

QuantityDosagePrice Average (without insurance)
608 MCG$425
1208 MCG$835
1808 MCG$1,250

6024 MCG$425
12024 MCG$835
18024 MCG$1,250

As for insurance, it does appear that most insurance policies, including most Medicare plans, will cover the medication.  With thousands of policies on the market, it can be hard to pinpoint the exact price you will pay, but from the research, they noted Medicare policyholders can pay a co-pay ranging anywhere from $18 to $436 and it can be assumed private health insurance customers will pay a similar co-pay as well.  To be for certain, talk with your insurance carrier and/or refer to your documentation to see how much you may be responsible for if you do use your health insurance policy.

How to save on Amitiza

Manufacturer Coupon:  The official manufacturer of the medication, Takeda, offers the Amitiza Savings Card, a savings card that helps you save up to $75 a month as long as you qualify or even as little as $0.  As per the fine print, you do not need insurance to qualify but those on any federal, state, or government-funded healthcare program will not qualify.  For more information, refer to the official savings card page on the company’s website.

Financial Assistance:  Aside from offering a manufacturer coupon, the company also offers a financial assistance program via the Help at Home program.  This assistance program helps patients with no insurance or for those who do not have enough insurance to pay for their medication.  For more information on this program, either call 1-800-830-9159 or visit for details on how to qualify for assistance.

Rebates:  If you already paid for your prescription, the company offers a rebate program that can assist you with ways to obtain a refund.

Prescription Coupons:  Online prescription coupon-based websites, such as, can help you save up to 60 percent or more if you download a coupon via the website.  The great thing about these websites is that you will see what you’re going to pay before you go to the pharmacy and on your part, all you will need to do is print the coupon, present it to the pharmacy and pay the price provided on the card.  For example, at the time of this publication, the prices were almost $200 cheaper than the full price.  If you do consider this savings option, then you can either use the coupon or your insurance only as you cannot combine the two.  Aside from, there are a variety of other companies as well that can help you save.

Amitiza overview

When taking Amitiza, the manufacturer makes it known that it’s extremely important to follow your doctor’s treatment plan.  This means refilling your prescriptions when necessary and scheduling any follow-up appointments as made by your doctor’s office.

Most patients will take Amitiza twice a day, generally once in the morning and evening, or as prescribed by your doctor for as long as your doctor recommends.  The capsule should be taken with food and water and should be swallowed whole.

Amitiza side effects

As with any prescriptions, you may experience side effects when taking the medication, and as always, talk with your doctor immediately if you’re experiencing any side effects you may have.  Dependent upon the reason you’re using the medication for, you may experience the following:

This is not a full list of all side effects; for a complete list, talk with your doctor, pharmacist and/or view the prescribing information.  The most common side effects noted, as per 1,400+ clinical trials, was diarrhea, feeling a headache and abdominal pain.

How long does it take for Amitiza to work?

A few doctors answered this question on, noting it should take about two weeks, on average, to see a full response, and even with a great response to the medication, you may still see an occasional flare up depending on your stress levels.  Another doctor stated that since it’s an onset of action, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to hours to work, but in the end, it will be greatly dependent upon your motility.

Amitiza reviews

On, 26 people reviewed the drug, giving it a 3.5 out of 5 average.  From the low reviews, most people seemed to complain about the side effects, particularly diarrhea and the bloating feeling, while the mostly positive reviews stated this was one of the best options they used, seeing great results.

Via, over 118 reviewers gave the medication a 6.7 out of 10 average, with most of the negative reviewers, like, complaining about the side effects and terrible experiences, while the positive reviewers, again, talked about it being the best options, out of all, for their constipation.

Close to 300+ WebMD visitors gave the drug a 2.63 out of 5 average, with many complaining about the side effects and not being worth it.  Again, the positive reviewers, like most of the other review sites noted the same thing, offering nothing but praise for the medication.

IBS Tales visitors gave the drug a 2.5 out 5 rating, with close to 100 reviews.

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Average Reported Cost: $0

0 %
0 %
Less Expensive $1 $1.5K $3K $5K $6.5K More Expensive $8k

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