How Much Does Aubagio Cost?

Written by: Staff

Aubagio, a prescription drug that treats multiple sclerosis, can help decrease the number of flare-ups.  While the exact mechanism is unknown, it is said to block the production of white blood cells, which then limits the over activiation of the body’s immune resonse, effectively limiting the flare ups often caused by MS.

Not known to be a cure, Aubagio is only available as a prescription drug at this time.

How much does Aubagio cost?

The cost of Aubagio will depend on your health insurance coverage, the pharmacy you choose and the dosage.  From our research, the costs are quite high, when in comparison to other sclerosis drugs, with 28 tablets of 7 milligrams retailing for close to $6,700, while 28 tablets of 14 milligrams retail for about the same, according to the pharmacies we talked to (Costco, Walmart, Kroger, CVS and Walgreens).  A one-year supply, according to the Knowledge Ecology International, will cost you $79,237.34 per year in the United States, in comparison to 11,244 after tax in France.

As for health insurance coverage, it seemed to be a mixed bag as your results will be greatly dependent upon the health insurance policy you currently have., for example, noted Medicare may cover it, with Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage plans covering it.   If covered, the average co-pay reported by GoodRX was in the $1,478 to $7,508 range.  The same can be said about private insurance coverage, so be sure to talk with your health insurance company to know for certain your restrictions and coverage.

How to save on Aubagio

Savings card via the manufacturer: Like so many manufacturers on the market, the maker of Aubagio does offer a savings card/financing assistance plan for those who qualify.  If you do, the co-pay program allows you to pay as little as $0, even if you have commercial insurance, regardless of your financial status.  To know if you qualify for the program, the company highly encourages you to sign up via the official website.

Prescription coupons:  These coupons can be used for almost any prescription drug currently on the market, including Aubagio in some cases., for example, offers a coupon you can print out and take into your local pharmacy, and working just like insurance, you simply present the card and you only pay what the website claims.  If the coupon is cheaper, which can be the scenario in some cases, you are encouraged to use this instead of your policy.

Support programs:  If you do not qualify for federal or state assistance, then you may be approved via a patient assistance program such as Genzyme, the PAN Foundation or Good Days Patient Assistance Program. Usually, patients with either no insurance, no insurance coverage for the drug or limited incomes can often qualify, making the prescription drug either free or subsided.

Drug overview

The drug is not a cure; rather, it’s a medication designed to treat the relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis, known to slow some down the disabling effects.

One dosage, either 7 mg or 14 mg, will be taken orally once a day, with or without food.  Always follow the dosage as per your doctor’s instructions.  Never stop, take more or less than specified.

Aubagio side effects

As per the FDA, some side effects may occur, with the most common being diarrhea, nausea, abnormal liver tests, hair thinning, paresthesia or flu-like symptoms.  Serious side effects, while rare, can include, a reduced blood cell count, high potassium blood levels, kidney problems, breathing problems and/or high blood pressure.  This is not a full list of side effects.  For a full list, refer to this FDA list.  As always, with any side effects, always talk with a medical professional immediately with any concerns you may have.

Tips to know

At the time of publishing, Aubagio is one of three oral medications approved by the FDA for treating relapsing MS.

The medication can stay in your system for up to two years after you even stop taking it, the main reason your doctor could use activated charcoal, for example, to help remove the medicine much faster.

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