How Much Does Bystolic Cost?

Written by: Staff

Bystolic, a prescription-based drug designed to treat high blood pressure, is available as a brand name only, but with the patent expiring in 2021, a generic could come available at this time.

How much does Bystolic cost?

The cost of Bystolic will depend on a few factors, as with any prescriptions, including the dosage, the quantity, the pharmacy you choose and your health insurance plan, but from what we did research, the costs seemed to be the same regardless of your dosage.  With a variety of options available, we included the costs in our table below:

DosagePrice (without insurance)
2.5 MG- 30 tablets: $150
- 60 tablets: $300
- 90 tablets: $450
5 MG- 30 tablets: $150
- 60 tablets: $300
- 90 tablets: $450
10 MG- 30 tablets: $150
- 60 tablets: $300
- 90 tablets: $450
20 MG- 30 tablets: $150
- 60 tablets: $300
- 90 tablets: $450

As for health insurance, it appears that most insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid, will cover the prescription, with the reported co-pay being in the $18 to $150 range, again, depending on the health insurance plan you have and the factors mentioned prior.  To be certain what you’re responsible for, we recommend you either check with your insurance company’s online drug database or call them directly to see what you would be responsible for in terms of cost.

How to save on Bystolic

Manufacturer coupon:  The official manufacturer of the prescription, Allergan, does offer a savings program that allows eligible patients to pay as little as $30 per fill, depending on your commercial insurance coverage.  This plan is only available for those who have insurance and eligible patients can use it for up to 12 monthly uses.  To see if you qualify, follow the link and fill out the registration card to potentially pay less than $12 per month with a 90-day prescription.

Patient assistance program:  Aside from the manufacturer coupon, Allergan also offers a patient assistance program designed for those who meet certain income requirements.  In order to qualify, just like the manufacturer coupon, you will want to fill out the application to see if you qualify for a discounted prescription.  According to the fine print, you can enroll 12 months at a time and your medication will be shipped to your pharmacy or doctor every 90 days at no cost if you were approved.  As for restrictions, you will need a valid prescription, proof of income and a copy of your LIS denial letter for Medicare Part D recipients.

Larger supply:  As you can see in the table above, the larger your supply is, the more you can save.  If you do know you’re going to need the medication for more than 30 days, then ask your doctor to write a prescription for a longer duration to save.

Ask about a lower priced alternative:  If you’re on a tight budget, ask your doctor if a cheaper alternative works for your particular situation.  According to GoodRX, two popular alternatives, Lopressor and Toprol XL, for example, can be as little as $7 to $13 for 60 tablets, which is almost $300 cheaper than Bystolic.

What about a generic?  The Bystolic patent will not expire until September 2012 and until then, the branded version will only be available.  However, even when the patent expires, it still doesn’t mean a generic will be available as manufacturers will still have to commit to creating it, with the FDA approving it.

Bystolic overview

Bystolic (Nebivolol) is either used alone or in conjunction with other medications to help treat high blood pressure.  As a beta-blocker, the medication will work by affecting the response of the nerve impulses in certain parts of the body, such as the heart.  Because of this, the heart can beat slower, effectively lowering your blood pressure.  When lowered, then the amount of blood and the oxygen is then increased to the heart.  In addition to using the medicine, your doctor may also place you on a specialized diet, often asking you to change the way you eat, often avoiding foods high in sodium.

Dosages will greatly depend on the patient, but for most, adults will take about five milligrams per day, with the dosage slightly increased for some.  Be sure to follow your doctor’s orders and directions on the label closely; never take more, less or stop taking without your doctor’s permission.

The medicine should be taken orally with a full glass of water, either with or without any food.

Bystolic side effects

As per the FDA and the official website, side effects can include headaches, tiredness, dizziness, diarrhea, insomnia, chest pains, a slow heartbeat, shortness of breath, rashes and/or leg swelling due to fluid retention.  This is not a complete list of side effects, and as always, talk with your doctor immediately if you have any side effects that are not going away.

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