How Much Does Humira Cost?

Written by: Staff

Humira, said to be the best-selling prescription drug in the world, is used to treat rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis and also said to help treat Chron’s disease, ankylosing spondylitis, plaque psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa, ulcerative colitis, and uveitis.

In 2015, the drug generated $14 billion in sales for Abbvie.

Humira Cost
IMG_6417-Edit-Edit_LowRes” (CC BY 2.0) by bbryda13

How much does Humira cost?

The cost of Humira, as with most prescriptions, will greatly depend on the number of pens prescribed, your health insurance policy and the pharmacy you choose.  Based on our research, the costs of two pens tend to be in the $5,500 range without any insurance to as much as $16,000+ for six pens, effectively making each pen about $2,750 each without any discounts and/or health insurance coverage.   Humira is available in two forms:  either as a pen or as a prefilled syringe and the costs of each are similar.

(2) 40 MG/0.8 ML Syringes or Pens$5,500
(4) 40 MG/0.8 ML Syringes or Pens$10,900
(6) 40 MG/0.8 ML Syringes or Pens$16,300

As for health insurance, almost all health insurance policies, including 98% of all Medicare policies will cover this drug, with the average co-pay reported to be in the $1,000 to $5,000 range, according to  As all health insurances policies are so different, check with your provider or if they have it, the online drug database, to see what you would be responsible for if you were to use your health insurance policy.

The New York Times found the drug went from $19,000 a year to more than $38,000 a year in 2018 per patient, even after rebates.

How to save on Humira

Co-pay card:  The official manufacturer of the drug, AbbVie, does offer a Humira Co-Pay Savings Card, a card which can help you pay as little as $5 per fill; however, as with many co-pay cards that are offered by the manufacturer, you may be limited to as to how often you can use it throughout the year.  At the time of this publishing, the card is only available for commercially insured patients only.

Patient assistance program:  Aside from the co-pay savings card, AbbVie also offers the AbbVie Patient Assistance Foundation, a foundation which can help you receive the medication for up to 12 months if you are approved for the medication.  Even after your 12 months expire, the company does claim you can reapply as well, technically extending the program yet another year.  According to the restrictions, the assistance program is open to those on restricted incomes and for those who do not have an insurance policy; however, if you do have insurance, including Medicare, you may be eligible.  The company asks that you follow the link above to apply or call 1-800-222-6885 for more information.

Additional assistance programs:  Aside from the typical federal and state assistance programs, there are plenty of non-profit organizations out there that want to help you with specific medications, including Humira.  The PAN Foundation, for example, both offer assistance for this particular drug for patients who meet qualification requirements.  To take advantage of the program, for instance, patients will have to have insurance, a valid prescription and must be diagnosed with a specific disease to qualify.  If you think you qualify, be sure to fill out as many of these forms as possible to see if you can receive financial assistance.  Aside from the PAN Foundation, another organization, the Good Days Patient Assistance Program, may be able to help you out financially as well.

Humira overview

Humira, known as a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blocker or anti-TNF drug, can help reduce the inflammation and the progression of inflammatory conditions by targeting TNF, which is a natural substance created by the immune system, which often causes inflammation in the body.

The adalimumab injection can be used to treat symptoms and help prevent the progression of ankylosing spondylitis and active rheumatoid arthritis.  It can also be used in children older than two years old who suffer from juvenile idiopathic arthritis.  It can also be prescribed for treating psoriatic arthritis, active Crohn’s disease, severe ulcerative colitis,  chronic plaque psoriasis and moderate to severe hidradenitis suppurativa.  The medicine is only available via prescription only.

The medication is always administered as an injection beneath the skin and before you’re given a prescription, your doctor or nurse will show you how to successfully administer it at home as well which areas of the body you should use when injecting.  The medication will come with a medication and guide and it’s extremely important to follow all of your doctor’s orders, never taking more, less or stopping without your doctor’s consent.

Humira side effects

This is not a full list of side effects; for more information in regards to more side effects you may feel, we encourage you to read this FDA guide.  As always, if you experience any side effects you’re uncomfortable with, talk with a medical professional immediately.

Tips to know

In 2002, the FDA approved to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

The patent for the drug did expire in 2016, but no manufacturer, as of yet, has a generic on pharmacy shelves.  While clinical trials are currently undergoing, according to, for now, the brand name is the only option.

Humira does carry a black box warning as it can affect your immune system and your body’s ability to fight infections.  Some people have also developed life-threatening infections, including tuberculosis.  For this reason, your doctor will test you for tuberculosis before you start the injections as well as monitor you for any signs of TB as you continue to use the drug.  Taking Humira or any related TNF blockers can also increase your chances of certain cancers, including squamous cell skin cancer and basal cell.


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