How Much Does Kyleena Cost?

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Kyleena, an IUD, is placed inside of the uterus and is used primarily to prevent pregnancies but can help treat heavy bleeding, often caused by a menstrual cycle.

Made by Bayer and part of the same IUD brands as Skyla and Miren, the Kyleena IUD is soft to the touch and is shaped as a flexible T shape.

FDA approved, Kyleena can only be inserted by a healthcare professional.

How much does Kyleena cost?

Since Kylneea has to be inserted via a medical professional, it will have to be done in your local doctor’s office, and as with most IUD insertions, the costs will depend on the doctor you choose and your insurance coverage, if you have a health insurance policy.  Based on these factors, the average cost can range anywhere from $500 to $1,200 without insurance, and this fee would include the doctor exam fee, the insertion and sometimes a follow-up visit after the insertion.

For those with an insurance policy, most insurance providers, including Medicaid, seemed to cover a portion of the IUD, leaving you responsible for any necessary co-pays and deductibles.  To know what your insurer will cover, it’s best to talk with them directly or even check their online pricing database if they have one to see what you may be responsible for.  It can be hard to give an estimate as there as hundreds of policies on the market, each with their own exclusions and costs. noted that since Kyleena is relatively new, the costs can be between $500 to $900.

If you do not have an insurance policy or inadequate cover, the manufacturer of the drug does offer a discount coupon card, which could help you pay nothing out of pocket if you qualify.  The company also offers the Patient Assistance Program, which could help pay for the procedure if you qualify.

Like all IUDs, it will have to be removed in the future as it will become ineffective after five years.  Whether you want a new IUD or are considering getting rid of it, removal fees can range anywhere from $100 to $300, but some doctors may waive the fee if you’re re-inserting another IUD after.

How does Kyleena work?

Kyleena is designed to prevent pregnancies by impeding the sperm, making it harder for the sperm to fertilize the egg.  Containing 19.5 mg of levonorgestrel, which is a progestin caused to thicken the cervical mucus, which in turn, thins out the uterus lining, making it hard for the sperm to survive, will release 17.5 mcg of this hormone daily, and after one year, this rate slows to 9.8 mcg and eventually 7.4 mcg a day, according to

After five years, Kyleena will need to be removed and replaced with a new one as long as no complications are present, but it can be removed at any time before this five years, however.

To be effective, the IUD needs to be inserted during the first seven days of the menstrual cycle or immediately after a first-trimester abortion, and as long as it’s inserted during this timeframe, it is deemed to be immediately effective and will not require a backup form of contraception.  However, if inserted outside of this timeframe, then your doctor will highly recommend another contraceptive, such as condoms or a spermicide, for the week after the IUD is inserted as it will take up to seven days for pregnancy protection.

The advantages of Kyleena

The disadvantages of Kyleena

For many women, not just for Kyleena, some have experienced side effects after it has been inserted such as excessive bleeding, dizziness or some pain.  In the case these symptoms don’t subside, then your doctor will more than likely want to remove it and/or explore additional options.  Most of the disadvantages, at least from what we could research, were in regards to the side effects experienced. notes Kyleena is not suitable for women with PID or for those who are susceptible to infections.  Also, women with uterine, cervical, breast or progestin-sensitive cancers will not be considered a candidate for the procedure.

Kyleena side effects

Many do experience side effects, but for most, they usually subside a few weeks after insertion.  The most frequently reported side effects include:

NOTE:  This is not a full list of all side effects; for more information, refer to this FDA guide.

Kyleena vs Mirena vs Skyla

19.5 mg of levonorgestrel and releases 17.5 mcg a day52 mg of levonorgestrel and releases 20 mcg a day13.5 mg of levonorgestrel and releases 14 mcg a day
28 mm wide, 30 mm long and 3.8 mm in diameter32 mm wide, 32 mm long and 4.4 mm in diameter28 mm wide, 30 mm long and 3.8 mm in diameter
Used up to five yearsUsed up to five yearsUsed up to three years
99%+ effective98.9% effective99.1% effective
12% reported being period free after a year20% reported being period free after a year6% reported being period free after a year
Recommended for any woman, regardless of child countRecommended for someone who already had at least one childRecommended for any woman, regardless of child count

Kyleena reviews

On, over 570 reviewers gave the IUD a 7.5 out of 10 rating, with some saying the experience was painless and quick, while most of the average reviewers talked about side effects, such as irregular periods, feeling dehydrated, and feeling lightheaded, to name a few.

Tips to know

Kyleena will not offer protection against any sexually transmitted diseases.

Studies show Kyleena to be extremely effective, with a 99%+ success rating, simply meaning less than one out of 100 women will become pregnant after insertion.

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Average Reported Cost: $0

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