How Much Does the NJ Diet Cost?

Written by: Staff

The NJ diet is a doctor-supervised “feeding” program where customers are given pre-approved meal plans according to their body needs.

According to the company, it’s targeted to help consumers lose weight faster, in a healthy way, often as many as 45 pounds in 40 days.  They are so confident with this claim that they even offer a money back guarantee in case you do not meet your desired results.

Located in New York and New Jersey, this unique method is designed to promote both a healthy weight loss and improve your overall wellness.

NJ Diet Cost
Blended1” (CC BY 2.0) by fourpointgo

How much does the NJ Diet cost?

For the consultation and evaluation fee alone, the costs reported online are about $30 to $99, but this fee can vary depending on the promotion currently being offered.  For example, at the time of this publishing, you can register on their website and receive a consultation for $27.  During this time, the company will take some tests and explain the costs and what the program can do for you.

As for the exact diet program, if you were to sign up, the costs generally start at $1,500 to $2,100 for the first 40 days, according to the reviewers on this Yelp page, but according to one comment from a doctor who works there, the costs can range from $500 to $1,900, according to your specific needs.

How the program works

Before you start the program, the company will genetically scan your hair and take a saliva sample in order to understand how your body works. This scan will look at your weight, body fat, body water, visceral fat rating, muscle mass, bone mass, metabolic age, basic metabolic age, daily caloric intake, along with a number of other factors.  A bioenergetic balancing scan, also performed at this time, will also be performed to help customized a specific diet plan just for your needs.  This test, according to the company, will examine more than 2,000 biomarkers.

Every 10 to 15 days, the center will monitor your progress, particularly your hormonal balancing.

Being supervised by both a nutritionist and physician, these results will help determine which meal plans and supplements you need in order to see desirable results.  These hormone healing diet plans will greatly vary, depending on your body composition, and will help regulate your appetite, metabolism, energy and fat storage.

After these tests, clients are then given a customized diet plan with a personalized calorie count, which will consist of approved foods and supplements that will work for your body.  These diet plans, from what we read, will make you avoid cooking with oil, butter or PAM-like ingredients.  Some also said they had to give up salad dressings, potatoes, and bread, but again, this would greatly vary depending on your customized plan.  The “about us” section noted you will be offered 10 different eating tools which will allow you to know how to eat.

According to Dr. Arthur Turovets, patients will not be hungry because the body will be burning anywhere from 2,000 to 7,000 calories of toxic fats for fuel as the supplements get into the body to burn a lot of body fat.  Since all of the toxins are stored as fat, you will not see any fat loss until the hormones are balanced first.

In general, if you follow this program, most clients, from the reviews we read online, will see results in about 30 to 40 days.

At the end of the program, they will perform another bio-energetic scan to show you which foods your body shows a biological preference to.

The reviews online

The reviews online were rather limited, but according to the Yelp page we referenced earlier, close to 45+ reviewers gave the Clifton, New Jersey location a 4.5 out of 5 star review.  Most of the positive reviews stated it really works as long as you follow the program, while the few negative reviews claimed they gained the weight back after the program, the price was too high and some said the advertising was deceptive.

Tips to know

All of the supplements the center uses are all natural, will contain no hormones, no stimulants and are customized for every patient who walks through the doors.

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