How Much Do Hurricane Shutters Cost?

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Hurricane shutters are designed to minimize rain and wind damage during a violent hurricane storm.

These shutters can either be permanent or temporary protections on your windows and doors.

October 5, 2016 by osseous, on Flickr
October 5, 2016” (CC BY 2.0) by osseous

How much do hurricane shutters cost?

The costs of hurricane shutters will depend on the type, the materials, the size of your windows, how many you need and who you hire.  Refer to our table below to see what popular hurricane shutters can cost:

TypeDescriptionPrice Range
AccordionThese shutters will be made of either metal or a polycarbonate. Like an accordion, these windows will fold down as one.$15 to $25 per square foot
BahamaCommonly found in the Bahamas, these shutters are mounted near the top of the window and hinged, deployed when unlatched and bolted shut. When not in use, these shutters will be left in an awning-like position and well suited for sunnier climates to protect the windows from the sun.$15 to $25 per square foot
ColonialKnown as a permanent shutter option, colonial hurricane shutters are similar to decorative shutters found in everyday homes. When a hurricane is near, the shutters will unlatch and can be bolted shut. These shutters, depending on your window setup, can either be a single, bifold or trifold design. Available in many material and color options, the details are endless.$250 to $500 per average-sized window
Hurricane GlassThis alternative to the traditional hurricane shutters can actually eliminate the need for shutters since your window's glass will be created in order to withstand high winds. Three times thicker than a standard window, these windows will have a thicker frame and a sheet of laminate between the glass. Aside from hurricanes, these windows can improve your energy efficiency and deter theft.$450 to $700 each (no labor included)
Mesh/FabricNot really a shutter, but we will put it here as an economically-friendly alternative. Mesh sheets will attach to the windows via grommets, bracket, rolling screen or a buckle. These mesh screens come in a pre-cut size and can be put up with ease in case of an oncoming hurricane.$75 to $300, depending on the window size
PlywoodThe cheapest option, plywood is just that -- a piece of wood. This option is generally used when a homeowner needs a covering in a pinch. This plywood will be bolted to the window and is fairly effective as a last minute option.$1 per square foot
Roll Down/Roll UpAs the name implies, these rolling shutters are more of a permanent addition, made of a high-quality metal. These hurricane shutters are considered to be some of the most durable shutters on the market, operating from a hinge. In order to use them, you will either have to manually crank the shutters open, or with premium shutters, you may be able to open it via an automatic remote. These shutters, when rolled open, will travel along a track that's mounted on both sides of the window.$20 to $35 per square foot
Storm PanelStorm panel hurricane shutters are constructed of either aluminum, polycarbonate or steel and are only installed on the windows. When being installed, a steel channel will be bolted to the facade of the home, near the top and the bottom of the window. When not in use, these shutters can simply be unbolted and stored in a safe location.$8 to $15 each, depending on the size and the materials.

NOTE:  These are the prices for the materials only and won’t include the costs of professional installation.  On average, if you were to hire a pro, plan on spending about $1 per total square foot.  For example, if your 1,600 square foot home needed all of its windows installed with hurricane shutters, then be prepared to budget $1,600 for the install.

As you can see, there are a lot of options, and the prices can range from as little as a few dollars if you were to do it yourself to well into the thousands if you wanted an aesthetically pleasing shutter.  For this reason, we highly recommend using the free estimation tool,  Here, you simply explain your job and contractors in your area will contact you, for free, with a quote.

How can I save money?

Installing hurricane shutters can actually save you money with your insurance premiums, even though the upfront costs may be in the thousands.  Since these shutters can keep your home safe in a dangerous situation and limit the damage, homeowner insurance companies may reduce your premium once you install them.

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