How Much Does Lanap Surgery Cost?

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The LANAP procedure, known as the “laser assisted new attachment procedure,” is an FDA-approved procedure designed to help treat periodontal disease.  During this procedure, a dentist will use a laser that strips away and removes the infected pocketed epithelium from the tissue.  This treatment is ideal for those who have a gum disease or gingivitis.

Dentist by HerryLawford, on Flickr
Dentist” (CC BY 2.0) by HerryLawford

How much does the LANAP procedure cost?

On average, the cost of this procedure will depend on the severity and extent of the disease.  For budgeting purposes, plan on paying anywhere from $300 for a single tooth infection to as much as $9,000 for a whole mouth, which is similar in price when compared to traditional gum disease surgery, but as many dentists note, the technology will offer a peace of mind since your gums will be healthier and more intact than traditional surgical methods.

If you have dental insurance, consider talking with your insurance provider to see what’s going to be covered.  As long as it’s deemed medically necessary, there’s a rather good chance it’s going to be covered.

This newspaper article says the average price in Los Angeles can be anywhere between $2,000 under a dental HMO plan to as much as $8,000 at a higher-end dental practice.

LANAP procedure overview

LANAP surgery will use the same methods of traditional gum surgery, but the laser will offer more precision, less pain and a quicker recovery time. It’s also known to save the gum tissue that may have been removed to treat the disease.  Other benefits include less bleeding, reducing inflammation, no stitches are needed and is safe for patients with other health conditions.

The laser will work on a specific wavelength, removing any unhealthy gum tissue while leaving the healthy tissue intact.  Compared to the traditional procedure, which can remove tissue height to remove the pocket depths, LANAP is considered a regenerative procedure, which means the patient won’t lose tissue volume and the bone will be regenerated.

During the procedure, the pocket depth will be measured while the patient is under a general anesthesia.  When measured, the laser will selectively remove the pocket lining, followed by using ultrasonic instruments which will deep clean the root’s surfaces.  The laser will disinfect the pocket, seal the wound and the tissue will be compressed against the tooth.  The bite will then be adjusted through a selective grinding and an attachment will be used to help the patient heal.  This procedure will only zap away the infected tissue, which will have a darker pigment when compared to the surrounding healthier gums.

Most procedures will need two visits and each one will last up to two hours.  A couple of follow-up appointments will follow to make sure you’re healing according to plan.  Typically, the procedure will be performed on one-half of your mouth at a time, but in some complex cases, it may be necessary to treat the mouth in quadrants, not halves.

What are the extra costs?

A cleaning and an x-ray will be required before the surgery starts.  The average teeth cleaning, with an x-ray, can cost $125 to $300.  Some dentist offices will tie this fee into the quote, while others will quote the procedure only.

A follow-up visit will be required after the surgery is performed.  The dentist will want to make sure everything has healed properly and make sure there’s no damage.  Some offices may charge for this visit, while others may, again, include it in the initial quote.  Every office will have its own billing policy, so it’s best to always read the contract to know what’s covered.

A dentist will recommend cleanings every three months for the next year to pay close attention to the condition.

Since the procedure can be painful for some, a prescription-based painkiller may be prescribed to help with the pain.

Tips to know

The LANAP technology can cost close to $70,000, and because of this, very few periodontists and dentist offices offer this option.  Training costs will need to be included as well.

How can I save money?

If you think you can’t afford this procedure, consider looking for dental discount plans that can help you save up to 60%.  These plans act the same way as dental insurance.

Regular dental maintenance and six-month checkups can prevent the need for future treatment of periodontal disease.  Research has shown that bacteria can accumulate, causing bone loss within three months.

Talk with your dentist to see if they can offer a no-obligation quote to discuss the procedure and what it will cost.

Paying cash up front may offer a discount at some clinics.

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Average Reported Cost: $9926

100 %
0 %
Less Expensive $1 $1.5K $3K $5K $6.5K More Expensive $8k

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  1. Millicent (Miami,  Florida) paid $9926 and said:

    LANAP surgery

    Was it worth it? Yes

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