LifeSource Water System Cost

Written by: Staff

Since 1984, the LifeSource Water Systems, said to be one of the top-rated water softener alternatives to the conventional water softeners on the market, offers whole house water systems that are able to produce smooth, not “slippery” water as the company proclaims.

Unlike traditional water softener filters that require salt, the LifeSource Water Systems will not require it and do not pollute freshwater resources.

100% maintenance free, these water systems have been certified, tested and have been said to have the highest test rating in all of the United States, according to the company’s report.

LifeSource Water System Cost
Drip” (CC BY 2.0) by jronaldlee

How much does a LifeSource whole house water system cost?

The cost of a LifeSource water system will greatly depend on the type of product you want to purchase and which outlet you purchase it from.  While the official website doesn’t list the prices, they instead ask you to fill out a form on the website for prices directly from one of their factory outlets located throughout the United States, and one person, via this Yelp review, warned that it’s impossible to receive a quote over the phone or online as they want to come to your to home to analyze your situation.

While the official website didn’t post the prices, we did find multiple people, primarily via Yelp reviews, that shared the prices they paid for a LifeSource whole home water system.  Like we mentioned above, the costs they paid were greatly dependent on the type of product they purchased and who they purchased it through.  Based on these factors, the costs, including installation seemed to be in the $1,500 to $4,000 range.  Depending on your setup, additional plumbing work may be required as well, which could increase the costs.

Refer to our table below to see what people paid.  We included the prices they paid and the source of the URL.

Price paidSource
$3,000YELP review for Henderson, NV location
$1,500 for Elite ScaleSolver Power PackageYELP review for Pasadena, CA location
$9,700YELP review for Pasadena, CA location
$2,500YELP review for Pasadena, CA location
$3,800YELP review for Pasadena, CA location
$3,500YELP review for Pasadena, CA location
$3,000YELP review for Pasadena, CA location
$3,000Ask the Water Doctor


Elite- ¾", 1", and 1¼" water mains
- Compact installation space required: 18" width X 66" height
- 2.2 million gallons rating
- Dimensions: Diameter: 10", Height: 62"
- Power Requirement: 1 standard 110v electrical outlet within 5 feet of system or a 24v transformer plugged in a more distant electrical outlet.
- Fully Automatic Valve Head
- Rinsing: ½" PVC to drain or irrigation, must accommodate 7 g.p.m for a short interval.
Premier- For Water Mains Sizes of 1", 1¼" and 1½”
- Compact Installation Space Required: 18" Width X 66" Height
- 3.5 Million Gallon Certified Filtration Capacity
- Dimensions: Diameter: 10", Height: 62"
- Power Requirement: Standard 110v Electrical Outlet within 5 feet of System or 24v Transformer for Electrical Outlets Over 5 feet Away.
- Fully Automatic Valve Head
- Rinsing: ½" PVC to Drain or Irrigation -Must Accommodate 7 g.p.m for a Short Interval.
Estate- 1½" and 2" water mains
- Compact installation space required: 36" width X 86" height
- 5.7 million gallons rating
- Dimensions: Diameter: 16", Height: 76.5"
- Power Requirement: 1 standard 110v electrical outlet within 5 feet of system or a 24v transformer plugged in a more distant electrical outlet.
- Fully Automatic Valve Head
- Rinsing: ½" PVC to drain or irrigation, must accommodate 7 g.p.m for a short interval.

Source: products sub-page

How does the LifeSource water system work?

According to the company, the systems uses a proprietary combination of coconut shell granular activated carbon which is able to help reduce objectionable tastes and odors, all while adding nothing to your home’s water.

The water conditioning unit, the LifeSource ScaleSolver PowerTAC Media, utilizes Template Assisted Crystallization (TAC) technology, and the atomic level templates on the surface of the small specially treated polymer spheres transform the dissolved CsCO3 into a crystalline form.  These crystals are said to be relatively insoluble, which allows it to isolate the CaC03 from the water chemistry and anything the water comes into contact with.

Each system automatically controls the rinsing cycles to help clean out any sediment in the carbon bed, and this rinse water, according to the company can be re-used so that no water goes to waste.  This rinse cycle is designed in a way to help turbulate the Granular Activated Carbon for better efficiency and a greater lifespan.

All systems are NSF/ANSI tested and certified for a filtration capacity ranging from 2.2 to 5.7 million gallons.

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Average Reported Cost: $0

0 %
0 %
Less Expensive $1 $1.5K $3K $5K $6.5K More Expensive $8k

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