How Much Does an Oil Pan Replacement Cost?

Written by: Staff

Over time, the oil pan in your car may have to be replaced due to the bumps in the road, debris flinging up, and/or the deep dips in the road.  This part will hold all of the oil to keep your engine lubricated and is known to be the most durable part of your car; however, as mentioned, if something were to hit it at a high enough speed, damage may still occur.  If you’re starting to see oil puddles beneath your car, then this could be a good sign your oil pan is cracked.

The cost of a new oil pan is going to depend on the brand, the mechanic performing the job and the make and model of the car.

Oil Pan Repair by peretzp, on Flickr
Oil Pan Repair” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by peretzp

How much does an oil pan replacement cost?

On average, an oil pan replacement is going to cost anywhere from $300 to as much as $1,500 at a local mechanic. If the oil pan gasket was cracked and didn’t need to be replaced, then the costs could be more than in the $150 to $500 range; however, if the oil pan has to be replaced 100 percent, then costs can easily exceed $600+ due to the time involved.

For those who want to do the oil pan replacement on their own, the average parts can cost anywhere from $50 to $575, with most in the $50 to $250 range; however, the price, again, will vary depending on the make and model of the car.  An oil pan reseal could cost $250 to $400 if an oil leak were noticed.

An oil pan leak repair can $150 to $550, depending on the severity of the repair.

On a forum thread at, a member claimed they received an invoice for less than $600 to have the complete oil pan replaced. also has a thread discussing the cost of an oil pan.  They claim that it costs anywhere from $300 to $500 to get the job done.  Many others in the forum agreed that this was a fair price.

Oil pan replacement overview

Replacing an oil pan will depend on your car’s make and model.  In some cases, the job can be very dirty and complicated since some parts, including the engine, may need to be removed to fully access the oil pan.  According to, there could be instances where the suspension sub-frame may need to be removed, which can take several hours to perform.

Most repairs will involve the mechanic checking the oil pan for any leaks and/or damage.  Even if the mechanic doesn’t visually inspect the oil pan, checking the oil alone can often indicate some sort of problem in regards to the pan.  The engine pan and gaskets will be removed, followed by the oil and filters.  The oil pan, from there, will either be replaced 100 percent or fixed if at all possible.  A new gasket will more than likely be installed, followed by new oil and a new filter.  Once everything is installed back to where it was before, the mechanic will take it for a test drive and check operating temperatures to ensure everything is working properly.

What are the extra costs?

Along with the average oil pan repair job, some items may need to be replaced as well such as the oil plug gasket, which can break or even fall apart as the mechanic takes apart the oil pan.

Tips to know:

Common symptoms may include oil leaking underneath your car or streaks of oil right behind your oil pan.

A damaged oil pan can cause some serious engine problems.  If a mechanic claims you need to have the oil pan replaced, it is best that you get it fixed as soon as you can.

How can I save money?

If the car is under warranty, make sure you take it to a local dealer.  There are times where the pan has been faulty due to a factory default, and if this were the case, the pan can be covered

A replacement is only done in rare circumstances.   If a mechanic recommends replacing the oil pan, consider getting a second or third opinion to see if this repair is absolutely necessary.

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Average Reported Cost: $3000

100 %
0 %
Less Expensive $1 $1.5K $3K $5K $6.5K More Expensive $8k

How much did you spend?

Was it worth it?  

  1. Frank Sampson (Minneaplois,  Minnesota) paid $3000 and said:


    Was it worth it? Yes

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