Power Windows Repair Cost

Written by:  Howmuchisit.org Staff

Usually located on each door, the power window switch, designed to send power to the window motor to open and close the window glass, can, unfortunately, fail over time.

In most cases, the most common reason due to a power window failure is either due to a faulty fuse, the window regulator or a motor failure.

Power Windows Repair Cost
1997 Jaguar XJR Supercharged” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by netzkobold

How much does it cost to repair power windows?

The costs to repair your car’s power window will greatly depend on the reason for the failure, the mechanic/dealer you choose, the car you drive and your geographic region.  From our research online, if you need to have the entire window motor replaced, which is often the culprit, then the reported costs ranged anywhere from $235 to $525 per window. 

If it isn’t the window motor, then the regulator could be an issue as well as this part is responsible for moving the window up and down, but in some cases, this regulator part may be part of the motor, meaning both parts will need to be replaced together.   Again, depending on your vehicle make/model, the costs of this regulator part, plus repair, can cost anywhere from $100 to $350, with luxury car brands often costing the most.  The costs could be higher if the entire assembly has to be replaced.

However, if it’s the fuse causing the problem, then the costs can be much cheaper, with the part being as little as $4, but if you were to use a mechanic, then the costs could be closer the shop minimum to install it, which is usually around $65 to $100, depending on your geographical region.  The fee will usually cover the diagnosis to confirm the fuse is the problem and the replacement part.

Power Window Repair, a professional mobile window repair service that had a business in the Phoenix, Arizona area, had more than 100+ reviews on its Yelp, with a lot of people claiming they paid anywhere from $150 to $225 per window when using their service.

How the power windows work

Modern vehicles today will use an electronic signal which originates from the onboard computer, also known as the ECU or electronic control unit, to trigger the window to open when the button is pressed, while older vehicles had an electrical circuit, which when the switch was activated, it would cause this electrical circuit to close and operate the window motor.  In some models, the motor is integrated inside of the regulator, meaning both parts will need to be replaced together.

The repair process

To diagnose the problem, the mechanic will first want to pay close attention to the motor sounds as he or she attempts to use the window switch.  If no sound is coming from the motor, then it could be a sign the fuse is the problem, and if so, the fuse will simply be replaced.  If the fuse isn’t the problem, then he or she will pay close attention to the dome light since this can often indicate a sign of a bad motor if the dome light flickers while the switch is used.  Lastly, another sign to see if the motor is bad is by removing the door panel in order to access the window motor to check the wiring for voltage.

As for the replacement, it will all depend on the style of your window and the vehicle the mechanic is working on.  In most cases, usually, the door trim panel will be removed in order to expose the electrical cables behind it.  Next, the vapor barrier is removed, followed by disconnecting the window from the regulator.  Once the window is disconnected, the mechanic will then remove the regulator from teh door and the motor, at this time, will be exchanged for a new part.  If the motor is part of the regulator, then the entire assembly will be replaced instead.

Signs of a faulty window motor

If the motor did, indeed, fail, then there are a few signs to look out for.  For starters, in the case of a failing window motor, the window may not close or open at all, but in some cases, it may only open intermittently.  In the past, a power window failure was often caused by a faulty switch and/or the electrical wiring, but today, most of the problems rely on the control module.

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