How Much Does It Cost to Reset a Ring?

Written by: Staff

Resetting a ring is the process of changing the look of a ring by setting the stones in a different way.  This is most often done to rings that have been passed down from generation to generation as an heirloom.  This process is a cost-efficient way of making the ring look different without having to pay a full retail price for a new ring.

During this process, a jeweler will be able to take out the diamond and surround it with gemstones or give the diamond a facelift, all while keeping the same diamonds from the ring.

The cost of resetting a diamond ring is going to depend on the jeweler performing the job, the size of the diamond ring, the number of additional gems required and geographical location.

Well It’s About Damn Time by ilovebutter, on Flickr
Well It’s About Damn Time” (CC BY 2.0) by ilovebutter

How much does it cost to reset a ring?

On average, most jewelers will be able to perform a reset for a price that ranges anywhere from $85 to $225 for a diamond or engagement ring.  This won’t include the materials fee if you were to add a new diamond or the setting, for instance. Don’t be surprised, however, if the job cost more than $500 for a platinum “Tiffany” style type setting.

According to a forum thread on, forum members said they had paid around $250 to have the ring reset.  They also stated that something as simple as earrings would probably cost a lot less than resetting a diamond in a ring.  Resetting diamond earrings, for instance,  should cost about $100 to $150 based on the research we did.

On, someone had paid less than $100 to have diamonds taken out of her mom’s ring and put into hers.  Another member on the same thread claimed they had paid $400 to fuse two old rings to create a newer one.

According to a member on Quora, he quoted the “Geller’s Blue Book to Jewelry Repair & Design” for pricing repairs.  Inside this book, it said it would cost $171 to set a 2.5-carat diamond into a Tiffany-style head.

Resetting a ring overview

A jeweler will be able to meet with you beforehand to discuss what you want.  In order to uphold his or her reputation, a jeweler may not be willing to perform some resets, depending on the situation.  Common ring resets include changing a band from yellow to white gold or transferring diamonds from one ring to another.  A jeweler will be able to work up an appraisal report to give you a good feel for what they are going to charge and what the ring is going to look like after the job has been accomplished before you pay any money.

Long’s Jewelers recommends seven ways to reset your diamond ring for a new look.  They recommend adding diamond accents, adding more diamonds, getting a larger center stone, adding a halo, upgrading the diamond or adding colored gemstones.

What are the extra costs?

Complex jobs that may take more time to complete compared to other jobs can increase the price ranges mentioned above.  Keep in mind that some jewelers will not do the job if they feel that the ring can get ruined in the process.

The new setting, if you need to purchase one, will have to be purchased separately and like shopping for a piece of jewelry, the prices can widely vary from as little as a few hundred to thousands.  The same can be said about purchasing new diamonds or gemstones if you wanted to add it to your new jewelry piece.

Tips to know

Think twice before resetting an heirloom stone as it can often cause damage when a jeweler unsets a diamond or gem.  In fact, according to, it’s often a lose-lose situation.

Questions to ask:

How long is this process going to take?

If the diamond ends up missing, am I going to be insured?  How are you going to replace it if this worst-case scenario should happen?

Do you ship the diamond out or does it stay on the premises?

What kind of certifications do you have?  Why should I pick you?

Can you show me some pictures from before on the jobs that you have done?

How can I save money?

Talk with at least three jewelers before making a decision with your purchase.  Each and every jeweler is going to be able to do a different job, so before you commit, ask for before and after pictures to see what kind of jobs that they can do for you.  Many have had luck with local privately owned stores more than big chain establishments.

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