How Much Do Resume Writing Services Cost?

Written by: Staff

In today’s economy and job market, one of the most important tools a person can have is a well-written resume.  Hiring a professional resume writer can give you the advantage you need when applying and interviewing for a new position.

Working with a professional resume service will get you the writing skills and objectivity to determine the right focus of your situation.  This is a skill that is critical to landing a job in any field.

Resume - Glasses by flazingo_photos, on Flickr
Resume – Glasses” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by flazingo_photos

How much do resume writing services cost?

The price of a resume can vary depending on the type of job you are applying for.  A resume written for an entry-level position will cost much less than a resume written for an executive position.  Depending on the position, plan on spending anywhere from as little as $250 to more than $1,200.   Refer to our chart below.  What we did was call up a few resume services online and asked them what they would charge us.  We didn’t list the company, but rather, listed what we told them.

Type of JobPrice Range
Newly graduated student with no experience$125 to $440
Entry level professional with up to three years experience$325 to $575
Professional with up to 10 years of experience$325 to $650
Professional with more than 10 years of experience$450 to $700
Management with more than 5+ years of experience$550 to $800
Executive resumes for senior management$770 to $1,300

According to, there is no blue book to tell you what you should be paying.  She notes, in her personal opinion, that it should cost somewhere between $600 to $900.

Noted below are price ranges for some of the most popular resume services, according to Google searches:

Martin Yate$379 (entry-level) to $989 (executive)
Monster Resume Writing Service$129 (professional) to $349 (executive)$119 (entry) to $399 (executive)$169 (student) to $389 (executive)

Resume writing services overview

First, the service will gather your information either through email, over the phone or in person.  With the information they receive, they will be able to write the resume based on what type of job you are seeking and what type of experience you have.  Most of the time, if you choose a reputable service, they will match you up with a writer who has similar to experience to yours since they will know the industry’s “buzz” words and trends.

Editing the resume will usually include the basic editing techniques as well as the polishing or changing some wording if necessary.

Package deals will include extras such as a cover letter, a follow-up thank you letter and delivery.

Interview coaching includes things like job-specific sample questions, salary negotiation strategies, and email follow-ups.

What are the extra costs?

Add-ons, such as writing a cover letter, can cost more due to the fact that this is separate from the resume.  This can be an additional $50 to $100.

Adding the resume to a CD can be an additional $10 to $20.

Rush orders that need to be done in 24 hours can cost up to $100+ more if the service is available.

Editing down the road once the resume has been accepted can be an additional expense.  Keep in mind that many services will be more than happy to edit during the initial purchase.

Questions to ask:

Do you have any type of certification?  What is your educational background?

What kind of credentials do you have?

May I see some samples you have written in the past?

Do you offer a 100% guarantee?

How can I save money?

The cheapest way to use a resume writing service is to collect and compile all of your own information and then only have them edit and polish it.  This is usually the cheapest service; however, it will take a lot more work on your part.

Most services provide package deals which include more than one service.  This is usually the cheapest per-service price.

You may also want to consider picking up some Resume books and learning the art of creating a resume.  Some websites, such as, state you shouldn’t hire a professional because recruiters are able to spot professionally written resumes from a mile away.  The reason?  They tend to be boring and filled with fluff that the average applicant usually won’t include in their resume.

If choosing a service, consider a package that puts everything together such as a resume, cover letter and thank you letter.  This is a great way to save money on a bulk order, rather than purchasing them individually.

How to compare prices:

When searching for a resume writing company, use services such as to compile a list of suggested companies.  Services that make a list such as this, however, will quite often be more expensive than a less popular company.

Most resume writing websites offer samples of their work for you to read.  When looking at these samples, pay close attention to the quality.

Another thing to look at is the market strategy the company uses.  Pay close attention to their website and see what kind of tactics they use.  Is the website up to date?  Is it modern and well maintained?  Remember that this company will be marketing you, so you will want to make sure they are up to date on trends.

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Average Reported Cost: $0

0 %
0 %
Less Expensive $1 $1.5K $3K $5K $6.5K More Expensive $8k

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