How Much Does a Ring Cleaning Cost?
Ring cleaning can be done by a professional jeweler in order to restore that beautiful shine it had when you first purchased it. Over the years, a ring can become quite dull and can have grime build up in the grooves and around the stones such as lotion or shampoo conditioner.
The cost of having a ring cleaned can depend on the size of the ring, the number of diamonds the ring contains, and the company performing the cleaning.
How much does a professional ring cleaning cost?
On average, a professional ring cleaning can cost anywhere from $0 to as much as $20. Many stores often offer ring cleanings for free as long as the ring was purchased through their store. Most of the time, according to our research, ring cleanings are going to be free, so it is best to find those who do not charge anything.
For example, the company Tiffany offers a lifetime cleaning for those who have purchased the ring through them.
Members on said they paid anywhere from nothing to as much as $20. It all came down to where you took it and the jeweler you used.
For those who want to clean the ring themselves, ultrasonic cleaning machines can often cost $20 to $150. For instance, the popular Sonic Wave Ultrasonic Cleaner retails for $30+. This cleaner uses ultrasonic energy that can help clean the dirt and dust away without harming the ring. The vibrations created by this machine will shake off any loose dirt, but if you were to go this route, you shouldn’t use a soft gem or pearl as this can often cause damage.
Professional ring cleaning overview
Before the jeweler attempts to clean the ring, they will first inspect the ring underneath a microscope to make sure no stones are loose and are still in good condition.
From there, they will determine if the ring can be cleaned using an ultrasonic cleaner. Due to the properties of some stones, such as an emerald or pearl, it won’t be able to go through this type of cleaning process since it may shatter or even fracture.
During the cleaning process, the jeweler will use a specialized washing solvent and will more than likely use a professional cleaner; again, depending on the stones being used. Lightly brushing the outside of the ring with the solvent and cleaner, the ring will be gently blasted with millions of tiny microscopic bubbles using a high-pressure hose. If the ring is deemed to “dirty,” then the jeweler may let the ring sit in an acid bath for a few minutes.
What are the extra costs?
If any scratches or problems are noticed, such as a scratched band or diamond/s, the jeweler may want to fix the ring. Other common repairs may include replacing the prongs, retipping the prongs or even tightening the stones.
If you are going to purchase a professional cleaning item, detergents are highly recommended. These detergents can cost anywhere from $5 to as much as $15 per eight-ounce bottle.
Tips to know:
Get into the habit of cleaning your ring every week. By doing this, you can avoid grimy buildup altogether and keep that new-looking shine. At home, you can simply use warm water, a bit of dish detergent and a little ammonia to keep a diamond ring clean. When brushing, always make sure you brush in the direction of the prongs and be careful not to snag the bristle underneath the claw. If it’s a gem, let it soak in a bowl of warm bowl of soapy water. If using a cleaner, just make sure it’s non-abrasive and try not to use any harsh chemical cleaners.
Always try to remove your ring when putting lotions and oils on your hand.
Before using a ring cleaner, make sure that you look at the reviews online as well as the ingredients. Abrasive chemicals can often do a lot of harm.
Pay close attention to your warranty as some companies may void your warranty if you have your ring cleaned elsewhere.
How can I save money?
Consider looking around for jewelry stores that clean rings for free. For instance, the popular jewelry store Kay Jewelers will often clean a ring for nothing, even if you didn’t purchase it from them.
There are tutorials online that can teach you how to clean a ring properly. Watching or reading a tutorial is very important so that you do not damage your ring in any way.
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Average Reported Cost: $0