Transmission Cooling Line Repair Cost

Written by: Staff

The transmission cooler lines are designed to remove the excessive heat from the transmission fluid.

The reported transmission cooling line repair costs

The average costs to repair a transmission cooling line, as with any car repair, will depend on your vehicle, your geographical location and the mechanic/dealer you choose.  From our research, the costs to repair this line will range anywhere between $150 to $450 per line.  As this repair takes less than two hours on average, the labor costs are often between $100 to $250, while the parts, depending on your vehicle, can cost $20 to $100.

Repair Pal, for instance, claims the costs of replacing a trans oil cooler line will be anywhere from $100 to $446 based on the mechanic quotes in its system.

On this forum thread, he claimed he took his Silverado Classic 1500 Crew Cab into his local dealer and was quoted $624 ($90 for parts and rest for labor) to replace all three of his cooling lines.

A member on this thread noted he was quoted $423 to replace the lines, and the dealer would not patch the lines as all dealers will want to replace the parts in its entirety.

As for the parts, most cooler line assemblies can range anywhere from $14 to $40, according to these AutoZone listings.

How does the part work?

These lines are designed to transport transmission fluid back and forth among the transmission and the radiator cooler.  In most vehicles, these parts are often made of metal and will be screwed into the transmission and the transmission cooler located on the other end.

As the fluid begins in the transmission and begins to generate heat, it will then flow to the transmission cooler via these lines, where it will shed its heat, eventually returning back to the transmission and repeating the process as necessary.   This system will commonly be found in heavy-duty vehicles such as a plow or off-road vehicle.

Repairing the transmission cooling line

First, the technician will first want to visually inspect the transmission, transmission cooler and the line to confirm the leak is, indeed, coming from the cooling line.  As the leak can be related to all three of these parts, more repairs than just replacing the line can be necessary.

Once the suspected parts are confirmed, then transmission cooler will be drained, followed by disconnecting the first line from the transmission.

After the cooler has been drained and the lines are cleared, the entire line will be disconnected from the vehicle, and the new lines will be installed in reverse order.

When the new lines are connected, the fluids will be refilled and started to ensure no leaks are present.

The entire process, per line, will take about 1.5 hours for most vehicles.

Symptoms of a poor transmission cooling line

In most cases, you will start to notice small oil drops beneath the car whenever parked.  If confirmed as transmission fluid, it doesn’t immediately mean it’s the transmission cooling lines as it could be related to the transmission or the transmission cooler.  To confirm, the transmission, cooler and the lines will all need to be inspected in order to confirm the part in question.  If you notice any transmission fluid leaking beneath your car, it’s highly advisable you take your car to a mechanic immediately as failing to do can lead to transmission failure in the future due to the transmission not be able ot receive the proper amount of transmission fluid to run efficiently.

Tips to know

A transmission cooling line, unfortunately, can fail at any time and there is no set “interval” like other parts.  In most cases, mechanics note that you will often see the part fail in high mileage vehicles as the rubber naturally degrades, either due to the age or the heat from driving.  If these lines do start to fail, the transmission cooler and/or transmission could be next, leading to a hefty repair bill.

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