Typhoid Vaccine Cost

Written by:  Howmuchisit.org Staff

The typhoid vaccination, which can either be administered orally or as an injection, will always be recommended for travelers who plan on visiting an undeveloped country, often outside of the popular tourist destinations where sanitation and food hygiene are poor.

While the vaccination is not considered to be 100 percent effective, is designed to prevent typhoid fever, a serious intestinal illness that is caused by bacteria that has been spread either by contaminated water, food or via person-to-person contact.

Typhoid Vaccine Cost
Jefferson City Medical Group could help” (CC BY 2.0) by KOMUnews

How much does typhoid vaccine cost?

The cost of the typhoid vaccine will depend on your health insurance coverage (often doesn’t cover it, however), where you live and where you get the vaccination.  For most who get the shot at a local health department or pharmacy will find themselves paying anywhere from $125 to $235 without any insurance coverage, while those receiving it at a local doctor’s office may pay more because of the office consultation fee tacked on.

Be sure to talk with your health insurance to see if this vaccination will be covered as many plans, including Medicare, will reject this claim since they are considered an “elective” vaccination, but that does not mean your insurance company will cover it as all policies vary.  Even if your health insurance company claims they will cover the vaccination, you may still be required to cover co-pays, co-insurance and/or deductibles, for example.

According to the official CVS Minute Clinic pricing sheet, for example, the cost of the typhoid vaccine was $142, while at Walgreens, it would cost about the same, if available.

Amino.com, for example, broke down the costs of the most expensive and least expensive typhoid vaccination prices, with the highest network rate in the $253 range, whereas the lowest price was $158 in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area.

What is the typhoid vaccine?

Typhoid, often referred to as typhoid fever, is a very serious and sometimes even fatal disease which is caused by a bacteria known as Salmonella Typhi.  This bacteria is often transmitted via contaminated food and water; however, as mentioned prior, some people can be carriers, spreading the bacteria to others.

According to the CDC, close to 300 people get typhoid each year, most of the time while traveling, and because of this, the CDC highly recommends those who are traveling to developing countries, such as Asia, Africa, and Latin America, to get the vaccination at either your local doctor’s office, the health department or your doctor’s office.

Aside from the vaccination, you can consider a live, weakened vaccine which is taken orally by capsule at home, usually in four doses on alternate days, with the series needed to be completed at least one week before you travel.  The oral vaccine can offer protection up to seven years, but it provides the best protection for four years, according to HealthLinkBC, while the injection will provide protection for up to two years.

With this vaccine, it will help your body produce the antibodies necessary to help fend off the bacteria, and again, while it isn’t 100 percent effective, it can protect up to 50 percent who do get it.

Who should not get this vaccine?

According to the CDC, the vaccine should not be given to children younger than two, anyone who has had a serious reaction to a vaccination in the past and people who ill at the time of vaccination.

The oral dosage for the live vaccination is not recommended for those older than six years old, anyone who had a severe reaction to a vaccination in the past, people who are ill at the time of administering, anyone with cancer, HIV or another immune system-related disease and/or people who are currently on antibiotics (if so, you will be asked to wait at least three days until the antibiotics are out of your system).

Tips to know

Again, the vaccine is not 100 percent effective, and aside from the vaccination, you can take preventative measures to help prevent the illness.  While there are no alternatives, per se, the CDC recommends only drinking sealed water, avoiding any street food served at room temperature, eating only fruits and vegetables that have been thoroughly washed and to be sure to follow proper hygiene at all time, which simply means you should always wash your hands before and after every meal, as well as avoid touching your face while on your trip.

The CDC recommends getting the vaccination at least two weeks before you travel to give the vaccine some time to work.

As with any vaccination, side effects can occur, albeit rare, including stomach pain, headaches, vomiting and/or fever.

High-risk areas include the Indian subcontinent, Africa, South and South East Asia, South America, the Middle East, Europe and Central America, as per the NHS, with most people in the UK developing the fever while visiting Bangladesh, India or Pakistan.  Be sure to talk with your doctor to know if you’re at risk while traveling to a country.

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